I once read an article in Discover magazine about a new experimental form of male contraception. Although I don’t remember all the details behind the scientific research, I do remember the observations of a female molecular biologist. She had discovered that a certain drug used to treat high blood pressure in men, also coated their sperm in cholesterol, blocking the sperm’s ability to penetrate an egg. Sounds wild, I know. But that little piece of information became a very minute detail in my story, “Bread And Water Revival.”
I’m a firm believer in not overkilling the details in a story. I like to write my ideas down and put them on ice for a while. Let them chill. Somehow, in the organized chaos of my scrap sheets of paper, I found the master plan to a short story. In this case, a smorgasbord of ideas set everything in motion. I had notes on the following:
1) a new male contraceptive
2) a yogurt incident I observed while traveling on a highschool bus
3) my failed attempts at fixing a laundry tub
4) my friend’s backyard wedding reception where everyone took pictures with the complimentary disposable cameras of the happily married couple’s Australian Cattle Dog
5) my nightmarish experience chauffeuring a bunch of middle-aged women around Detroit
6) a female friend who happened to be heavily involved in the National Organization of Women
7) my shared pallbearer duties with the ex-husband of the dearly departed
8) my wife’s keen observation that only my prison stories were getting published.
Don’t ask me how I managed to write a short story based on these hand-scrawled tidbits, but I did.
Tomorrow I will post “Bread And Water Revival.” I realize that it may be too long for the Internet (approximately 1500 words), but due to my scheduled surgery, I may not be posting for a day or two. A special thanks goes out to Dante Rance for his illustration. And as usual, feel free to criticize.
I can't wait to read the story. Best of luck with the surgery (come back soon!).
I still can't piece out a story in my head that contains a laundry tub and a car filled with women from Detroit! haha... I have to read the story.
Love that story, Jim! It's a great one. I think your observations about women are extremely astute and the details are amazing. I agree with you about details -- the right ones, not overkill. It's a fine line. Good luck with your surgery and here's to getting back to whiskey, water, and Neil Diamond very soon! (couldn't agree more with you about RB, but I have to kind of like him since he was one of my dad's friends and a very nice man)
Good luck with the surgery. Looking forward to the story!
Helen x
I think I've read that story about 4 times. The first time it confused the hell out of me and I didn't know what the hell was going on. (Perhaps because I am so young and naive that I didn't get it) but the more I read it the more I got. I don't know if what I got was what you intended but I tried! Good luck with the surgury man, take care!!
It's ironic that plumbing comes to mind. You can ask our creator the same thing I plan on asking. "what were you thinking?"
Good concept bad engineering. Wishing all goes well. Tell the doc I said hello and I will see him in two weeks. Counting the days. :-) MW
Jim, Good luck with the surgery tomorrow! Is the story about you and a few hundred ladies in a hot tub? and the plumbing goes??? --Bro, Ron
I've got to know how this comes together. That is one serious brain storm.
Can't wait to see it, bud.
Can't wait to see what is in store for us with the next story. Good luck. Keep healthy. WM
I can hardly wait to see how you pull all those things together into a story. But then, real life contains all those things, doesn't it? And real life is a story.
Good luck with the surgery. Let us know how you are.
Great story...
Here's hoping your back on your feet quicker than quick sooner than soon!
All the best~M
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