I’ll bet it’s not too difficult picking me out of Sheriff Lester Almstadt’s line-up. My Cub Scout uniform was always neatly ironed, not a wrinkle, compliments of my mother. She even pressed and folded my bvd’s before putting them in my underwear drawer. She cut my hair too. Not that that made me photogenic. Let’s just say I was in the early toe-head Moe phase (think “The Three Stooges”) of my childhood. My dad, the disciplinarian of our family, constantly reminded me to stand up straight and show them you’re a leader. He led by example, volunteering as the local Boy Scout treasurer until a couple of parents ripped him off—Hey, can I pay for the canoe trip on Monday? I’m short on cash, I’ll make it up to you. I soon learned that the Boy Scouts of America hadn't been about honesty and loyalty; it had been about fathers designing their sons’ aerodynamic balsa wood derby cars and filling them full of weights to guarantee victory. And, in my case, it meant quitting the organization in disgust because my dad couldn’t collect on the mounting debts; He was shortchanged one time too many.
So which Cub Scout am I? Look closer. Old Sheriff Lester Almstadt and the den mother kept a watchful eye on the shady character on the end. He’s holding up a sheet of paper with some obscure message handprinted on it. Is he being held against his will and crying out for help? Or is he practicing for the day he will enter the Michigan Department of Correction’s intake area? Prisoners, afterall, come from all walks of life. I even knew an inmate nicknamed Boy Scout. He couldn’t understand why he was incarcerated, his explanation, I paid every one of those kids to let me touch them.
By now you should’ve picked me out of Sheriff Lester Almstadt’s line-up. Or at least narrowed it down to the studious boy on the other end, faithfully holding his notebook to his chest. I had already mentioned my uniform, so you can rule out the kid in civilian clothing—he could’ve at least closed the barn door or covered it with a notebook, like the other ununiformed kid, before posing with our troop. Also, there’s no way I would’ve had a lollipop in my mouth for such an important event, or stood on the outer edges of my shoes. No. I stood at attention, not knowing, that one day I would fight crime from within.
Ok, I'll bite. The second from the left. Either I faithfully followed the path that I was lead down, Or, as usual, clueless despite all the hints that were given. Hmmm...
No matter. It's the "Magnificent Seven." And you're in there somewhere. Always prepared.
I figure you're either the fellow in the middle or the guy next to him (left). Anyway, it was fun, wasn't it? I was in Brownies and then Girl Guides. Do they have those in the States?
I still remember our pledge:
I promise that I'll do my best: To Love my God,
To serve the Queen and my country,
To help other people
To keep the Brownie Guide Law.
It sounds like you had very, very nice parents.
Hey Jim and all, very clever. Love the use of photos for writing purposes. Cub and Boy Scouts are weird organizations -- quasi-military and quasi-outdoors-oriented. I spent a couple years as a Scout before ducking out. But between the BSA and The Twilight Zone, I usually remember the motto: Be prepared.
Great story. Not a big fan of Boy Scouts, though. My son begged me to join and after we'd spent $$ to get him all decked out in Boy Scout apparel, he decided he didn't like it! (I'm pretty sure I never ironed his uniform; maybe he would have stuck it out longer if I had.)
Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk. Calling Dr. Howard, Dr.Fine, Dr. Howard. I would guess: Second from the left standing next to the kid holding the message. Looks more like Dennis The Menace. So where are you? MW
Cute post....cute pic....wouldn't figure that kid as future Correctional Institution material....lol
awww such a cute picture! Are you the very first one on the left? I'm not good with following directions ;o)
Thanks for the link. I appreciate it.
Cute pic and post; my guess, second on the left. As for links, guess mine's not listed anymore.
Awwww, you look so happy.
Hey Robin,
Gonna get'cha back on. I promise. Thought you were going to disappear, but you came back "new & improved." Plus, I sure don't want to miss out on the blog party I invited myself to.
Hey Jim,
Pictures, huh? Those pictures better be damn well flattering gorgeous of yours truly or I will post day after day of marriage bashing! KIDDING! I love marriage. I was married. Loved it. My ex's next wife is worse and even by his own admission. Ha! Hope you're feeling better, the evil stones gone, daddy, gone. Not going to bite on any questions. Don't believe in it.
Jim, I remember my scouts pose similar to your pic. You're 2nd from the left. Hey, you really do look like Dennis! :) I see Chris and Steve as well. Man, you're finding pics that I haven't seen in decades. Get well. --Bro, Ron
Hey Jim,
Thanks for the link...I noticed it gone in Aug. when I had decided to quit posting. I wasn't offended, just thought it was a good time to rib you over it, you know, get a reaction, like you did on my Gandhi post! lol You're still invited to the blog party, just don't take pictures of me! I'm not photogenic. That's why I stay behind the camera.
Joey keeps going and going and going!!!!!!!
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