Today is my birthday. I had originally selected a picture from my 5th Birthday Party. My name, "Jimmy," was easily identifiable by the Ford-blue masking tape strategically plastered onto my parent’s garage wall, next to the traditional Pin-The-Tail-On-The-Donkey game. The neighbor kids wore cone-shaped party hats with elastic string cutting into their chins. Although the photo was black and white, my hat was different, not in size, but in color—I’m sure of that—my parents, like most parents, would’ve wanted it that way. Birthdays, after all, are meant for recognition.
I’m not too sure why I dismissed this photo. Is it because it showed such promise for my future? Is it because I’m not too sure I know enough about the child blowing out the candles? What was he thinking on that day? What were his dreams?
Instead, I chose a photo of my 26th Birthday. "Why?" you may ask. After some reflection, I think it’s because I finally understood the direction I was headed. I finally knew that my schooling would pay off. Besides, the tee shirt said, "Tom."
Happy birthday!
I'm not too sure about MY direction in life, but finding out sure is interesting.
Happy Birthday JR!
Life seems to run a lot smoother once we know who we are, doesn't it? And aren't you glad your birthday didn't come a day later? Hope you have a great one today! Happy Birthday, and Cheers to Tom/JR! Keep bloggin'! --Robin
Fantastic. Love it. "The Demystification of Tom, and the tintinnabulation of the years." Great writing. Submit this one for the blog contest. MW
Hey Jim/Tom,
Happy Birthday, man! Great, great post. I'm with MW on this one. Breakin' out the Tom-Tom Club here ;) Rock on, bro!
JR, happy birthday big guy. That's a great picture of you too. You look 16 in it instead of 26. I enjoy your writing and stories very much, it's a window into a world I would have otherwise never known about. Plus, your job is one that would be a never ending source of stories.
Again, happy birthday.
Happy Birthday!
Alas, after a certain age every man is responsible for his face.
Albert Camus
I hope you had a great day!! Nice photo!
Happy birthday!
It's funny the power and freedom that can come from a name or in other cases the frustration and confusion...
Happy Birthday-- not quite sure if you're tom-tom, jimmy, or jr--- but I read your blog after just finishing writing about the significance of the number 26 in mine---- now i'll go back and read back posts just to make sure you're not suffering from multiple personality disorder--- if you were, that would make interesting reading too------ anyway, cheers!!
Happy Birthday JR! (I guess we both suffer from frustration at people getting our names wrong).
So, you're what now...? 27...?
Happy Birthday, JR. And many happy returns.
Happy Birthday and many more.
I've had the name problem myself. Instead of calling me Lee, as a child I was called Lee Lee. Then thanks to my last name, it often gets added to my first as well. It comes out Leland. My parents were funny enough to give me a middle name that’s starts with L too. Hope you had a good one.
Jim, Just wanted to say, "Happy 3? Birthday"! You don't look a day over 16! Keep up the blogging and the wonderful stories!!! --Bro, Ron (Tom) as well.
Happy Birthday, Jim!
Feliz Cumpleanos Senior!!!
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