The more serious cardmakers order heavier cardstock through hobbycraft and market their cards to match whatever sentiments a person is feeling. For instance, a lovesick inmate showed me a romantic card he’d just purchased; It had a crude pop-up on the inside with the catch phrase, "I wish I could give you more." With my best poker face, I asked, "Who’s this for? Your sister?" He quickly closed the card and put it away.
Most cards fetch a respectable two to three dollars, depending on the workmanship and hustling skills of the artist. The 3-D cards usually cost more. The one displayed in today’s photo is commanding three dollars (a little steep if you ask me). In fact, it’s out on loan, I promised to give it back. The cardmaker jokingly asked if I’d set up a PayPal account and work off a commission. He already knew my response. I’d have to sell a shitload of cards to replace my current salary.
It's actually not a bad card, and quite clever, for only $3.00. The designer has some talent.
It sounds like you have a really interesting job.
Nice pic and story. The card is typical of them. Tell him to try cartoon art. Then watch what happens to your scrap paper. MW
I always wanted to do the Michelle line of cards, like Congrats on the New Mistress! And Thank God for your Divorce -- None of Us Liked Her/Him Anyway, you know, realistic stuff that they don't carry at Hallmark. I'm sure the inmates could come up with some ideas, all that prison time on their hands! Love the picture today.
Cool Card! Maybe they could do something constructive, like sell paintings for a childrens charity. Too much to ask?
I wanted to start a line of card of cards, by guys for guys. Instead of a 'get well' card. I'd have something like, "That sux. bummer dude."
Or my "Nice six-pack" with a picture of a middle aged guy in a t-shirt, with a big beer-belly, holding a six pack of beer.
"Who’s this for? Your sister?" -- too funny, Jim. Bet some of those guys are very artistic, as shown in the card in the photo. Art can be therapeutic, too.
Manila folder thefts -- too funny. Good God. At first look, the ones you posted look like Tarot cards. Maybe they have secret codes imbedded in them?
Art as therapy? Perhaps if Hitler had been more encouraged, he would have stuck to his painting. . . . Better a so-so artist than a deranged dictator, certainly.
whatever dude. sweet hat.
Nice post. I saw a new name had to visit. Glad I did.
Jim, You might be on to something here. Anyway to make a buck with "free" labor! --Bro, Ron
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