After spending much of my 30’s comfortably married and less active, I decided (hell, my wife decided for me, okay?) I’d get my ass up off the couch and become more active. In fact, I consider myself to be in better shape now, in my 40’s, than in my 30’s. Not only did I run, I trained on weights, used the ellipticals at the fitness center, and went for an occasional bike ride. But for some reason, running seemed to be the cause of my lower back problems.
In today’s picture, I’m running through the woods at Stoney Creek Metropark. I was the captain of Romeo High School’s cross-country team. Those were the days. I wonder if Ken Ritchie, one of my fellow classmates, is the older brother or cousin of Bob Ritchie? I remember a few Ritchies walking the corridors of my high school. In case you’re wondering who Bob Ritchie is, he’s Kid Rock—“I mix it with the hip hop”—another futile attempt at humor by association now that I know that my running jarred loose a few rocks (one in each kidney), now that I know I’m scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. The doctor’s course of action: pull the stone out of my right kidney if there’s no tearing. If the stone doesn’t come out easily, he’ll break it up and put a stent in so I can pass it at a later date. As far as the left kidney, he said we could wait. Does this mean I should hold up on the running or should I jar loose the other one too? I'm sure Kid Rock would say, "Drink more Bud."
You got a plan of action. Great.
I'll let them know you will be a way for awhile. Take it easy kid Romeo and enjoy your pond. Read a good book and relax. Sit a spell, take your shoes off, I'll ask Granny to make ya some possum viddles. MW :-)
PS I'm going to find out if the department is going to write me up for losing my personal key. Or if my car will still be in the parking lot when I leave work today. I better pull the main fuse.
Why do bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people? I promise not to call you Dagwood Jr., but I'm thinking of doing a post called "MW & The Lost Keys."
I hope the surgery goes well & everything "comes out" ok.
Plan of action: Chant the following two words 100 times in a row each day--"Guts!Balls! Also, convert to Roman Catholicism if you haven't already. Good luck and God bless you through your surgery. It's been nice blogging with you. Peace.
No pain, no gain -- did you have my coach, Jim? (a sadist with a Russian name in my case) Dear Lord, you do have the requisite masochim required for writing!
What's that phrase... you can run but you can't hide? Don't worry though. It'll all work out in the end.
Good luck with your surgery. I'm sure everything will come out great.
I'd rather go sleeping.
Hey, Dagwood Jr.? I guess I desereve that but the key was secured I tell you. I locked it in one of my cabinets secured behind a locked cage. Writing stories: What about Romancing the Stone? Ohh,, sorry about that chief. MW :-0
Oh man, Jim, good luck! That sucks. Funny, I've been hearing a lot of Kid Rock at various places for the first time in ages. Maybe it's Pamela Anderson's influence?
Hope you have a speedy recovery!
Jim, Buena suerte on your surgery. Hope it all goes well. --Bro, Ron
p.s. I remember the running days!
What a runner's form. Looks like you're walking.
Romeo, Romeo, where ar thou Romeo?
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