Why is it that when we learn a new word it magically appears in newspapers, television/radio programs, and conversations soon afterward? Is it our heightened sense of awareness tuning into a frequency and allowing us to appreciate the use of our new knowledge? I’m not exactly sure.
I will say this, since my preoccupation with a four millimeter kidney stone, I am discovering some fairly odd items in my office area that may be remotely linked to my health care predicament. First, there’s this black and white, 1970’s snapshot of my brother and I standing at the entrance to Bedrock City with Fred Flintstone towering over us. In case you’re wondering, I’m the shorter boy, younger too (seven).
The other unusual item is a 1987 cassette tape of The Screaming Blue Messiahs’ “Bikini Red.” The first song on side two is “I Wanna Be A Flintstone.” I listened to it and wrote down the beginning lyrics: “I wander around in a twilight zone/Little bitty Flintstone/All on my own/Yaba Daba Do Time.” Perhaps I’m: a) reading too much into it, b) foreseeing my near future, or c) mixing alcohol with Darvocet. We shall see.
I have another appointment today with my urologist. I will not ask him if his name is Fred. I’m more concerned with the “Screaming Blue” message, hoping that I am indeed “in a twilight zone” when he locates Bedrock City. Here’s to painkillers, symbolism, and Bam Bam. KNOCK ME OUT PLEASE!
There is no plase about it. Tell him (your uroligist) you are headed to another hospital system if he does not knock you out. Wishing you the best. May the force be with you. MW :-)
I feel so bad for you! I don't know why they call them "stones". With those jagged edges they're more like Ninja Stars.
Option three, Jim, option three! It's the only way out of this nightmare. Take care of yourself. Love the picture.
Great picture! I love that cartoon. Anywho.... Sorry to hear about that! Hope all goes well! Use the force luke! hehe
Aw, i hope you feel better soon!
Jim, Get well soon! Rock on! Don't get too stoned with liquids! --Bro ,Ron
Hope Fred knocks you out and that Mick Jagged passes through as Rubble, or teeny, tiny Pebbles. :) Sweet photo, Jim! I loved watching the Flintstones every day as a kid!
Dear God...
I pray you get better quicker than quick, sooner than soon... LIKE NOW... RIGHT NOW!
I really feel for you. I hear the pain associated with kidney stones is akin to childbirth. Drugs, lots of drugs.
Break em up!
I wish you tiny Pepples...
Yabba Dabba DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Great pic young man.
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