Sunday, September 17, 2006




Is this a hoax, or am I approaching 2000 hits? The last 100 hits have been agonizingly slow. I can imagine after today’s unpopular post it’ll be even slower. Why? Well, anyone new to my site may think I’m an actual prisoner, a hit man (and I’m not talking Tommy Hearns, although I believe his brother’s in the Michigan pen), or a murder-for-hire parolee, and if they do, they’ll quickly click off my blog. But it’s not true. PLEASE RELAX. I’m not a convict. It just appears that way. I’m a convict teacher.

I know—bad decision on my part. But it doesn’t matter because I have a plan. I exchanged links with Lue’s Looking In My Review Mirror blog, which is guaranteed to get me plenty of hits from the Amish community in Ohio (now you probably think I’m an inmate). I’ll definitely make the 2000 mark within a day. Trust me. What? Thirteen more to go. There's got to be some Amish folks with computers, right? Isn't there a computer now that you wind-up?

On a different note, today I attended my wife’s annual family reunion, and as usual I watched the Detroit Lion’s game on my battery-operated GPX television, and as usual their lack-luster effort forced me to engage in conversation with my wife’s family. I would’ve rather watched reruns of "Amish in the City." Or went to the festival Lue described in her post yesterday. At least if I had a laptop, I could’ve went to her blog and caught up on her posts.


Anonymous said...

There must be a misprint on your ID Card. I count four eyes.

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Jim, you'll cross the 2000 line in a blink. Remember the early days. . . . . Here's to laptops for field use. Quite handy in a pinch, especially at "functions" when there's wireless around. Woo-hoo, what a ride in an Amish buggy!

p.s. The Wooden Nickle is now "Mack Daddy's" :->

ZZZZZZZ said...

oooooh I always wanted to ride in an Amish buggy!!!!

LookinginmyRearviewMirror said...

Ok JR. I will send some folks your way by actually mentioning it in my next post. I don't know if they will be Amish persay...but you can pretend! lol

This blog world is just seriously lovin' it!



Anonymous said...

Not bad. You moved up pretty fast.
When the other side of the world wakes up you should reach 2000 easliy. Your going "Global." Just like the Ford's. When the Lions are outsourced they will have a much better team that can be paid with less yen, or peso. They may have to build a stadium in China though because their government requires that. It's their law. While our government believes the "trickle down" is working. Don't you just feel the warmth.
Here's wishing you a happy and warm 2000 hits Jimmy Mac when are you coming back...MW

Jo said...

Here's hoping this puts you over 2000. I have almost 3500 on my boring little blog since March, and I have no idea why. Don't people have lives?

Amish in the City? What channel is it on? Sounds even more interesting that Survivor.

(Great photo, by the way).


Anonymous said...

It's an Amazing Race from China to "2000" and then "2 million"!!!!!!!! Keep it up. Like reading your stuff 4 i's.

JR's Thumbprints said...

My plan worked! The Amish folks pulled through! Homer says, "2010: A Space Odyssey!" Thanks Lue.

Josie, "Amish in the City" lasted one season. It was much better than "Sex in the City."

Jo said...

Congratulations...! I just checked, and you are indeed 2010. But you know, Blogger is often late in updating that counter, so I'll bet you have a lot more. Check again in a couple of days.



Anonymous said...

Jim, You let the cat out of the bag. Now everyone knows who you really are and where you really are writing your blog from. "The Pen". Just checked, you are currently at 2051. I see 2100 on the horizon. --Bro, Ron

Michelle's Spell said...


Hey man, the night with the in-laws sounds bleak! I remember a few of those . . . Usually my mother in law would bring out a gun and threaten to kill herself. Lively! Anyway, congrats on 2000!

Muddy said...

Glad you made it to 2000 and beyond. Thanks for visiting my blog and letting me know you were there.

Anonymous said...

JR, Congrats on your big accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you look like you just came from the penatentary. Nice specs too.

JR's Thumbprints said...

I'm sorry to announce that Lue has decided not to blog anymore.

Anonymous said...

Why? Look in the rear view mirror "again"!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who's that convict man?