It’s always a pleasure sharing prison stories, especially with new employees during lunchtime. Their incredulous stares, their “What am I getting myself into?” expressions as one veteran teacher says to another, “Remember the time Inmate Harris got his throat slit in the library?” Thus, the story begins … Harris-the-once-free-man had raped another inmate’s grandmother. He hadn’t anticipated that other form of retribution, until years later, after the plastic toothbrush with embedded razor slid across his jugular. We call it: Justice served twice.
Each memory spawns another.
“What ever happened to the new gal in personnel?” I ask. “Talk about rotten luck. Wasn’t it her first week here?”
No one remembers her name, as if she evaporated into thin air. Yet, everyone knows exactly what they were doing on that particular day. One of our very own, a sergeant, stressed out and angry, marched into the personnel office with a loaded shotgun and took everyone hostage.
The new employees in the lunchroom hear our laughter. An awkward moment arises. They try to concentrate on all aspects of the conversation, the bits and pieces, the added details.
“I can’t believe the door fell off the WDIV helicopter,” I remark. I wasn't at work. I had a doctor's appointment on the day it happened.
“The cameraman must’ve wanted a better shot of the facility,” another speculates.
Someone mentions the coroner’s office, how administration may have anticipated a body count. We remind the new employees that these stories are not the norm, that prison work is often dull. Still, I often think about that gal in personnel. Did she quit because of that one bad experience? Or did she simply move on to a different job?
There are more stories I’d like to share, and perhaps someday I will. But not for awhile. At least not in this venue. I’m shelving my blog and concentrating my efforts on a few writing projects that I hope to complete soon, or perhaps they will complete me.
It’s been fun. Have a safe and happy holiday.
Sincerely, JR Thumbprints