The prisoners will tell you: Making an apology in the joint is an admittance of guilt. You’ll be perceived as soft. Therefore, never apologize, and never ever take the rap for anything or for anyone. It’s part of the prison culture. It’s a given. Better not to talk, not to say anything.
Last Friday, through a memorandum, I was labeled “non-essential” and told not to report to work next week. After a fun-filled weekend of uncertainty, of not knowing whether I’d be earning a paycheck—“earning” being too strong a word considering my “non-essentiality”—I discovered that the following Monday morning, via the 6 o’clock news, that I had to report back to work. It was business as usual. Hallelujah! No apologies necessary; just keep making those direct deposits into my bank account so I can pay my bills.
The same day as my “non-essential” status I received a response to a year-old email I had sent to an acquaintance, a friend from the past. I hadn’t seen nor heard from him in a very long long time. Here’s our correspondence:
September 08, 2006:
Hey Neal,
I received one of Terry’s yearly emails (yeah, about one a year), and I started scrolling through the list of names and saw yours. I thought, since it’s been … oh … what? … 20 years, maybe more, or less … I thought I’d give you a ring (email anyway). How have you been? Give me an update. In case you haven’t heard, I’ve been in prison for the past 15 years (working that is).
September 28, 2007:
Hey JR,
I was just going through old emails and realized that I had never responded to you. I tried to visit your blogspot just now but it looks quite different from what I remember a year ago, so I assume it is no longer a correct address. I think you are right that it has been about 20 years. A lot happens in that period of time. Here is my sequence of events:
Moved to AZ in 1991. Bought a t-shirt business. Did a lot of product for the Disney theme parks and Silicon Valley companies. Spun off a subsidiary called Burlesco that provided merchandise to 200 touring strippers. I mean exotic dancers.
During the Internet boom/bust, I started an online celebrity website. I made the official websites for John Travolta, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Denzel Washington, Mel Gibson, and about 100 others. Got wiped out in the end.
My claim to fame, I snubbed advances from actress Diane Lane and one of my business partners is the person that the character of Ari on the HBO show Entourage is based on. Other claim to fame: Had a daughter in 1997. Turning 10 in December. I am going to the Hannah Montana concert in a couple of months and I know all the songs from High School Musical.
Went into gaming in 2000 by purchasing some intellectual property with my former net partners. We license casino games to the online gaming industry. Business is based out of the UK. It’s a small business with just 5 employees but it pays the bills and gets me to Europe a few times a year. Building a couple of web based businesses here in Phoenix. Tom Waring lives about an hour from me, so I see him from time to time. I am still rooting for the Detroit Lions. I talk to Terry about twice a year I guess. My mother passed away about 10 years ago and my father followed a year and a day later.
I suppose that is it. Nothing too crazy, just living life. By the way, thanks for writing. It was nice hearing from you.
My reaction:
I guess there’s a price one must pay for stability, for being “non-essential.”
Ain't that the truth.
Better to take care with one's meager fortunes and small-pond life, than gamble for the big ones, lose out, go through a lot of hair pulling madness, and in the end, be at about the same place you started.
Wonder what the next twenty will bring? Glad to hear your back at work. You're the keymaster to those poor souls only hope of bettering theirselves.
I, for one love stability. Could not survive without!! Glad your earning that paycheck again, and you will always be essential in my eye..
JR, do you think he was pulling your leg a little bit?
I mean, really!
He should start his own blog, a fiction blog.
You have just outlined the last thirty years of my life. :)
But I knew JR would stay lucky.
Well at least he had a kid.
And what are you talking about in my blog... the "wanna be leader?"
I'm slightly lost.
We used to attend all the Detroit Lions games together. One time, on Thanksgiving Day, he brought Donny Osmond and his family along for the fun. So I tend to believe him.
Jim, without trying to blow smoke up your ass;I don't give a fuck what they say your job is more essential than every one of those motherfuckers in Lansing who collect three times the salary than you but do nothing harder than raising their fat asses out of their chars to go eat for free in the executive dining room.
Be well Jim stay the course your on the downward slope towards retirement now. You will make it I am sure.
then you can fish like like an essential retired fool.
much Peace Jim
My theory is people do what is best for them. We seem to have an innate knack for knowing best how to maintain our health and sanity. You picked your path for a reason.
Hey Jim,
Glad to hear that the job stayed! As for you being "non-essential," never! I'm always torn between stability and chaos -- I suppose everyone is.
Glad to hear you've been deemed "essential" again.
And I don't think a roller-coaster career is necessarily all it's cracked up to be. May sound good but living through it would be extremely stressful. (To me, anyway.)
No worries. =D
So where are those strippers?
Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed the read. :) MW
I'm really glad that for the time-being you have a job-- I was listening to the news the other morning, thinking of you.
I wouldn't have rebuffed Diane Lane.
Jim, Wow. Just read your blog tonight. I'm glad to hear about your corespondence. Thx for the info. --Bro, Ron
Awesome. So he could write the inside scoop on the "real" Ari? That'd be worth some prizes.
Michigan owes you distress money, as well as danger pay.
The small-but-travel-to-Europe job sounds pretty good to me right about now.
Don't let that "non-essential" label get you down. Nearly all the state troopers were also yanked with that term. That whole midnight budget thing was such an embarrasement to all of us in Michigan.
Hey, I had lunch with a friend of mine who is some "high up" guy in the correctional facilities in Muskegon near here. He gave me a quick tour of the three sites there. That razor wire is pretty impressive stuff.
Seriously. 15 years on your part represents more stability than your friend has had in the past 20.
My current chapter is about Port Huron. Since, I know you know the town,I'd appreciate your thoughts.
Wow. That sucks. But that is corporations for you. They are the non essentials. Damn them all.
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