“Isn’t that always the way?” the old pathologist had said, yanking the tray out with Elena’s body on it. “It’s love sickness. A man kills his wife then kills himself. A woman kills her man then does her nails.”
—“Blood Sport” fiction by Thomas Lynch
Thomas J. Kuzmak, wanted for the fatal stabbing of his ex-wife, poured maple syrup on his dollar-size pancakes, chewed and swallowed each forkful slowly, and said, “Yes please,” to the passing waitress when she asked if he’d like a refill on his coffee. At least that’s the way I envision it. He didn’t kill himself like so many others; his weapon of choice had been a knife. Having done time in an Ohio penitentiary, the only trigger he considered pulling was whether he should turn himself in or continue to flee. But not before having one last decent meal. County jails, he must have known, have lousy food, and the prison’s meals aren’t much better.
After that last bite, after that last bit of coffee, Kuzmak stepped up to the cash register to pay his bill and, as a matter of fact, confessed his sin. He was apprehended shortly afterward and is awaiting extradition to Michigan.
The waitress working the register, a woman by the name of Sandy, told the Detroit Free Press that he had the Kings Country Breakfast—pancakes, eggs, home fries, ham and wheat toast—a $10 special at the Kings Family Restaurant in Claysville, Pennsylvania.
There’s always a slight possibility that I’ll see Kuzmak at my facility. I say, “slight,” because there are so many more just like him, living, breathing, taking up bed space. They only view the world as it revolves around themselves, and I, along with my coworkers, am considered their newest enemy. Its unfortunate Kuzmak’s ex-wife never had the opportunity to paint her nails, even if for one last time.
Jim, Good piece. I hope they lock Mr. Kuzmak up for life. It would be unfortunate to have him go to your facility but I know you will set him straight. Do you know what education level he is at? I'm sure you will find out if he comes to see you. --Bro, Ron
Jim, Forgot to mention, congrats on achieving the 30K mark! --Bro, Ron
Let's see if the state is closing four prisons and opening up one more maybe the hunnert percent man can tell us what likelihood you will see Kuzmak.
I would think that the $10 special would have made a fine last meal for someone ready to do themselves in but then I guess you can only kill those your angry with.
That's horrible.
A fine breakfast wasted on that slime bag? If anyone deserves stale fries and cold coffee, it's a puke like that jackhole.
Pardon my French.
If it was going to be my last decent meal I would have gone bigger than the 10 dollar special and wouldn't have bothered paying.
All pretty odd.
Good post, though -- and ending. I heard about this guy on the radio.
Also, Charles is right. Why bother paying? Just a tip for the waitress would do.
Happy Guy Fawkes Day!
No remorse, in shock, whatever - that's quite a hearty breakfast for someone who just committed murder.
What a sick man.
Last meals are pretty fascinating. The one that is the strangest to me is Timothy McVeigh -- two pints of min chocolate chip ice-cream.
Well at least he turned himself in, albeit unconventional and dramatic.
Catfish, corn on the cob, and mostacholli. Enjoyed the read.
Food looks good. MW
Hey MW, that's not corn on the cob in the photo. It's a bread stick. I also thought it was corn on the cob until I looked closer. -Bro, Ron
you never know what's on people's minds. apparently food was on his. this reads like a good murder mystery, except the murder has already been solved.
I'd say us regular folk will never understand murdering someone - unless we are being attacked and then I don't think murder is the correct word. I was studying the stuff on your plate. What's that cannoli-looking thing on the left?
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