Why is it, after sifting through endless family photos in search of yours truly sporting at least one bad ass Halloween costume, I end up reliving the trauma of my youth? The amateur photographer—and I do mean “amateur” because of the wayward digit in front of the camera lense, which, by the way, would’ve been more convenient on the left hand side—did not have a clue as to commanding the shot. Hypothetically speaking, if the photographer calls for a gritty cowboy, and the inattentive wardrobe assistant mistakenly hears “glitzy,” he should correct her regarding anything resembling Gene Autry. If the photographer requests a great warrior chief, and the wardrobe assistant, in her infinite wisdom, thinks a squaw would be a much better choice, then the photographer needs to redirect and communicate his vision. This photo should be no different.
After taking a much closer look, I wonder if this is some type of cruel hoax, the literary equivalent of the poem “Leonainie.” Had someone suggested replacing Raggedy Andy with Raggedy Ann would make the photo more identifiable? A piece of Americana? And at whose expense? I’m almost certain that this isn’t my toy. As you can clearly see, my brother is standing there, wringing his hands as if he were an accomplice to this crime (and at such an early age). If we had just banded together, then maybe Raggedy Andy would’ve joined his sister in the Toy Museum Hall of Fame.
Unfortunately, when the wardrobe assistant does the cooking, house cleaning, and laundry, the photographer contentedly snaps the damn picture without thinking of its damaging effect.
Awww, come on. It won't kill you to admit you used to play with a Raggedy Ann. Just don't tell your students!
I guess I am fortunate that there is only one photo that I know of at the age your at (or there abouts) and it was professionally taken and no I have never shown it to my kids or anyone else and I have the only copy as well.
Peace without thumbs
Nothing wrong with having a Raggedy Ann Doll!
I had both Raggedy Ann and Andy.
Was "free to be me "playing in the background?
Actually, it's pretty cute.
My kid pix have me holding a toy machine gun during the Vietnam War, which may be infinitely scarier ;)
Now this explains much, not least of which the "I'm going to get you, Bombard," event.
you were such a cute little squirt, holding your doll!!!
Heck, I had to squint to see the doll. At least your wardrobe manager didn't do what my husband's did - put ribbons in his hair that she'd let grow long and take his photo. Then showed it to me bragging about how cute he was. ICK
Awwww yeah...
That's what family is for: To create incriminating photographs for which you will forever wonder "what, pray tell, were they thinking?"
There's a similar one of my bro with our little sister's cabbage patch kid in tow. He never let people photograph him after that and would pitch fits about it.
I'm sure that went over well when the time came for his "big house" souvenir shots.
one of my former next door neighbor's sons loved to play with my daughter's barbie dolls. needless to say, his mom would get very upset. unlike yours, there are no incriminating pictures however.
Hey! When did YOU come back? I was expecting to see another drawing today! Welcome back, at any rate!
I skirted reliving old, bad stuff by throwing away all of my old photo albums. It's effective, if neurotic-seeming. <:\
(BTW, I used to have a Mrs. Beasley doll from "A Family Affair," if you remember that show. Raggedy Ann & Andy were all over my curtains. That really didn't go over well into my teen years, but that's why I threw my old photos out. *L*)
Whats wrong with Raggedy Ann? Embrace your old love you'll feel all the better for it :-)
Yup, your brother has on that "There!" expression! He dropped it the minute he saw the camera coming!
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