Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I’ve been a wee bit skittish lately, my fingers no longer clanging away at the keyboard like they once did; they’re more like the legs on a nervous spider, jittery, jumpy, wondering how to proceed without endangering itself. Not that I’ve spun a web of deceit, at least I don’t think I have. I haven’t violated any rules. I haven't named any Teddy Bears Mohammad.

I’ve searched my employee handbook for confirmation. Could my words, pictures, and video content be used against me? Is there any particular topic I should have stayed clear of? I certainly don’t want to flush sixteen years of my teaching career down the shit-hole because someone higher-up, someone who undoubtedly hates teachers, decides to make an example out of me.

Maybe I should have asked for permission to start a blog? This isn’t too far-fetched. According to my employer's rules, employees must ask for permission before they can work a second job. So maybe I’m teetering on the edge here, maybe I’m inadvertently misrepresenting the department of corrections through my image.

What brought all this on? How come I’m second-guessing myself? I’m sure the incident with the high school students from Belleville, Michigan, who posed with (fake) guns, (fake) dope, and money on MySpace heightened my sense of awareness. Shame on these “gangsta wannabes.” They got their just desserts—suspended/expelled from school. But who am I to judge what is appropriate and inappropriate in cyberspace?

So I’m rethinking my next move. Nowadays, information is readily accessible and if you’re not careful, it just might come back to haunt you.


Ruth W. said...

Oh yes, I have talked to about my blogging about work. However I still do it, but I'm so close to retirement, I want them to let me go..lol But they won't do it.

Your case is far more serious than mine of course, your dealing with the Govt.

Whitenoise said...

This is also one of my issues, and I go as far as airbrushing my company's logo out of photos before posting on my blog.

I think in your case it might be prudent to de-identify your employer, perhaps by not overtly stating your location or some other means that leaves things slightly more ambiguous.

Charles Gramlich said...

I think it is something to be concerned about, although I don't think you've posted anything that I've read that should get you in much trouble. This is part of the reason why I stay away from any detailed discussion of my job, other than an occassional complaint about students in general. but then, my job is not nearly as interesting as yours.

geewits said...

It's a thin line to walk if you want to be a blogger and remain anonymous. You've done pretty well, but you've posted enough that I know where you work. I, myself, would be more open on my blog. It's my husband that insists on the anonymity because of his job. Gut feelings are important, maybe you should move along and change your post. You could be "NakedSpaGuy."

the walking man said...

if an employer wants a reason to terminate you they will find one. Blog or no blog. It seems to me that the only way to protect yourself is just get put in a position where you will be harder to fire, like union president.

But as it is you haven't named names, haven't done to much bitching about DoC and at worst they have to find you before they can fire a salvo over your blog.



Joe said...

1. Remove any trace of your real name. I read it, but I have never noticed your last name. Therefore, you do not show up on any Google search.

2. (Easy one for you.) Don't blog during work hours.

3. Don't tell anyone at work about your blog.

4. All of that said, I wouldn't worry about it. Free speech is still an unalienable right. You are also a public employee, and states have to be especially careful about trampling yopur right to free speech.

Don't defame anyone (like saying your supervisor has sex with farm animals or something patently untrue- as far as you know), and you will be fine.

Lana Gramlich said...

Ironic that it's called "the land of the free," huh? If you're not making money from your blog, I wouldn't consider it a "second job." Good of you to be wary, however. It seems these days that more people are ready to tear others down than to build them up, unfortunately.

Erik Donald France said...

Good musings, Jim. I keep my blog at a PG rating for that reason. But if I bust a move, things could change. Heck, at least to an R rating with additional subject matter.

I'm guessing you don't have anything to worry about, either. And if it did, well, time has come to change. . .

p.s. unless this is specifically addressed by employers, they can #*&#*!!!!!

Leslie: said...

Well, JR, I must admit that all my teddy bears have names! ;D

As twm states, "if an employer wants a reason to terminate you they will find one. Blog or no blog." I see nothing to worry about so far. Relax.

ivan said...

I don't know if you can equate blogs with newspaper columns, but I found while teaching and having a column at the same time, no one would touch me; the power thing.

Soon as I gave up the column, the knives were out. I was just a plain teacher and fair game for the young turks.

Nosjunkie said...

I dont care who finds my blog honestly if my bos has issues I take him to the ccma for encrouching on my freedom of speech I never gave away any company secrets

Anonymous said...

Jim, I understand why you are concerned these days. I know that if my employer got a hold of my blog (which I currently don't have), I'd probably be explaining 1,000 times what's going on.............. So, I don't have one. BUT it's really because I don't have time to do one! Just don't stop your writing. Do in another fashion. --Bro, Ron