I’m losing steam. “How about a rewrite?” I ask.
He shows me that dreaded "idea map" most writing textbooks promote, but I see a three-legged spider instead. Before the argument heats-up, we itemize the main ingredients: #1 introductory paragraph with topic sentence, #2 the body, including three supporting statements, and #3 a conclusion. It’s all there; he killed it; he hit all the major arteries. Give the man a gold star!
After his refusal to listen to my advice, he kicks rocks while I mutter to his back, “needs a rewrite.” I grab the next piece of drivel from the pile and think about Coleman. The whole scenario is actually quite funny considering his insistence on structure, form, and other things I’d consider mundane. He follows the same recipe; he clings to the same cookie cutter pattern; he likes that systematic process for writing essays. I, of all people, should know when to stay out of his kitchen.
If he were graded on the honesty of his words—how he changed his opinion regarding anarchy—then I’d have to give him two gold stars for not deviating from the text and for practicing what he preaches. Maybe his three-legged spider will rejuvenate its limbs afterall, or mutate into something entirely different. One can only hope.

I'm kinda speechless here. Is the the sort of stuff you see on a regular basis?
Jim, At least he has an opion right or wrong. I am amazed at some of the poor writing but then again.... --Bro, Ron
And so he joined up, "experienced the world" and is now in prison?
Hum, I thought you had stopped blogging. Everytime I went to your site all I saw were the same pics. It wasn't until I was reading your comment on Josie's blog that I realized you were still posting new stuff. Sorry that I haven't been reading. Normally the blogs reload each time you go to the site. Weird.
Jim pass the guy, what the hell i have read worse stuff on peoples blogs with crammer no where near his and the simple fact of the matter is he did make his point clear why he no longer believed in anarchy.
I don't know why there are so many people out there who have to spell phonetically but even so it shows that the thought proces is working.
The Walking Man is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! This prisoner/writer produced the best essay out of the thirty I had read. You haven't seen the bad bad bad stuff. This is a masterpiece compared to the others.
Wow, Jim. You would have loved my GED essay, on the importance of proper planning of infrastructure when building a modern city!
Yep, I'm the proud owner of a 'Good Enough Diploma".
I lie on every job application, because nobody checks on high school.
Plus, having Gradumatated Cume Luade at Macomb, nobody even bother to check.
Screw East Detroit High School--they weren't teaching me anything accept to dislike teachers, anyway.
Cume Laude...
Heh... That's edumacation for ya!
And the "vs" comment/verse you left on my blog was hella-clever. I learned that term in EDHS. God bless'em.
Interesting. Your job must require a lot of patience...
I get the feeling this fellow might actually be quite intelligent, given the right opportunties.
There but for the grace of God?
(Do you give extra marks for penmanship?)
I can read all kinds of chicken scratch. As long as it makes me think about the motives of the writer, I'm all for giving an adequate grade.
Eric 1313,
Hey, you Got'Er Done. More than I can say about alot of other folks. I haven't really been good at representing the teaching establishment. Guess I just didn't fit in.
Are you kidding? This is a masterpiece compared to most essays I receive.
I learned patience from those who are doing all day.
JR We have a long long long way to go. The statistics presented at The Focus-Hope 21st Century Detroit Career Forum about both Public and Private (Charter) Schools in Detroit drop out rates,
(50%). The graduation rates from both, 50%. Those with ACT scores at the 21 or higher level, estimated at 10%. In an economy which is changing from being a manufacturing one to a knowledged based one, they need to be changed. That student was in the 50% that did not graduate. He will need much more training once he gets his GED. The GED is no longer good enough. Thanks for sharing. MW
As I understand it, the GED is basic literacy, not creative writing 101.
He is able to tell his story in sequence and concludes with the logical proof of his changed mind.
I don't see a Pulitzer in his future, but he is able to get his point across.
I would like to know what he is in prison for.
I agree -- Basic Literacy.
He got his point across.
Criminal Sexual Conduct.
3rd Degree (Multiple Variables).
Earliest Release: 01/16/2013.
Maximum Release: 01/16/2022.
Current age: 19.
He never enlisted.
Jim, excellent. I always enjoy the word "spackling," by the way.
This dude should be well set for the foreign legion in 2013 or whatever. The anti-anarchy garrison in Pakistan, or wherever the armed forces are invading at that particular juncture. A born again anarchist, woo-hoo!
I know its wrong to call these people interasting but I would love just to read those essays just to get an insight into what goes on inside their heads.
I vote you give them free range on subject and word count
you're doing a great work JR.
I guess he's at about the writing level of Paris Hilton.
Got'Er Done... I like that.
Don't worry about the impression you cut as a teacher.
Your students aren't exactly la creme de la creme to begin with.
You fight an upstream battle, but at least you fight.
eeeEEEEWWWWHHHH! He's creepy crawly!
You know what? He followed the format and the topic. I think he did a great job and expressed his ideas very well. The flow was also good. So...he has some problems with spelling, punctuation, and basic grammar. I agree with Josie's comment that he may have some innate intelligence, given the right opportunities. I'd mentor him if I could.
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