Prisoner Minnifield refers to himself as “The One-Hundred Percent Man,” a nineteen year old kid who will accept nothing less than perfect. He broadcasts his achievements to the others after each checked assignment. “I’m the Hunerd-Percent Man,” he says, regardless of all those cheating accusations hurled his way. When confronted about having answer keys hidden under his folder, he says, “The Hunerd-Percent Man don’t cheat.”
He has completed all his class work on fractions, decimals, and percents. Fifth grade material. There are absolutely no mistakes on his paper; he doesn’t have time to show all the steps.
I ask him, “One half is what percent?”
He answers, “Fiddy-percent.”
“One,” I continue, “is what percent?”
After a slight pause and scratch of his head, he smiles, then says, “One percent.”
The inmate tutors start referring to him as “The One-Percent Man.”
He corrects them.
My shipment of new FX-260 Solar Calculators arrives. I carry the rather small box across the room to my locked storage area.
One-Hundred Percent Man, a.k.a., One-Percent Man, asks me, “What’s in the box?”
“I know what I’d like to put in the box.”
“What’s that?” he asks.
“I’d like to put your brain in it and ship it off for research.”
“You got jokes,” he says.
A tutor adds, “Boss, I’m not sure we have enough packing material.”
I can’t help but agree.
Can't you just have them remove their stuff and do a different test? It seems easy enough to get around students that possess a cheat sheet.
Ha! I've spent the last few years with 16-17-18-19-20 year olds wandering in and out of my house, and yup, most of 'em have big brains, they know everything about everything, got all the answers. "One percent" of the time!
What happens to 100%M when life throws up a roadblock? Is he resilient enough to cope and find a detour?
I suppose the fact that at 19 he's already incarcerated answers my own question...
Jim, Looks like he is smarter than a 5th grader?? Watch out for odd looking packages coming to your home!! --Bro, Ron
1 percent of the time he's 100 percent right.
I'll bet he likes Fiddy Cent ;)
Which reminds me many years ago, some kid walking up to people and proclaiming, "Gimme fiddy cent and I be your friend; gimme a dollah I be your friend fo' life." Lucky people.
My question becomes what kind of society accepts this? The answer: Ours! Thanks for the insight. MW
One percent man or one hundred man, he still can't legally by beer. But but not too young to find himself wholly incarcerated, his time one hundred percent managed by others.
He's not one hundred percent criminal genius, so in that regard, he still has a ways to go!
the sad thing is he doesn't even know how sad he is.
on another note, i'm watching this movie "con air" with nicolas cage and john cusack. it made me think of you and some of the things you share here. good movie, bad situation.
You have to admit, he has an optimistic outlook on life. He's 100 percent sure of himself, even if no one else is. He's young, maybe he has a chance. 19 is still a kid, really.
...or is he just cocky?
or is the dumb ass just looking to be someone's "girlfriend"; every man wants a woman who can do their homework for them.
Not enough packing material! *LOL!* Brilliant!
Hahahahaha I love this!
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