Since the Metro Detroit area public schools are sanitizing their buildings in an effort to protect their students and staff from MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), I’ve become increasingly aware of the inmate-porter in our school building. At first, I thought he was obsessing over keeping everything clean, but the more I watched him the more I wondered whether he was trying to gain access to locked areas where a cache of supplies could be bartered away in general population. I noticed an even layer of dust on my classroom computers and bookshelves; it's been that way for years.
Then I started wondering if he might be a vindictive s.o.b., smearing God knows what on every doorknob in sight. This isn’t paranoia, I’ve heard about those random shakedowns of prison kitchen workers, where corrections officers find hidden Baggies of special sauce.
Prisoners are opportunists. They have very little to lose. One crazy porter gravitated toward the GED testing material. Whenever the GED Examiner walked the corridor with his locked brief case full of exam booklets, a dust mop surely followed. Telling the porter to “push-off” meant rethinking the next move—that is, until the GED Examiner requested his transfer to another facility.
Then there’s the Level I inmate-porters who, on occasion, clean the employee lunchroom from 1100 hours to 1300 hours. They will conveniently stay out of your way, hoping you will forget they’re in the vicinity, hoping you will unknowingly reveal something personal, something they can share with the rest of the inmate population. Although their ears are burning, I say, “Trick No Good.”
Glad you didn't go into any great detail as to what could be smeared on the doorknobs - and that my imagination balks as to going there...
Damn, talk about keeping you on your toes.
Yuck. Door knobs. Unsavory students of all varieties. It's the same in all schools, only yours has a lot more to be wary of.
I once new an old dude named Dr. Stroop -- he used to wear gloves everwhere. Maybe he wasn't as crazy as he seemed.
That sounds kind of dangerous. Be careful.
Doorknobs are nasty things. The secret is just to keep washing your hands as often as possible.
Ah, as you hinted on my blog, we seem to be debouching into each other's subject matter.
Cleaniness is next to godliness, I say. :)
JR, when my little bro was in Maxi while he was still a ward of the state, I went with my mom to a meeting with the warden/whatever his job title is, where he, slowly, in fits of stalling and little choking noises, related the fact that J-bird had found a way to urinate in the staff coffee pot.
Then the stupid little ass bragged to everyone. One of the child molester kids in there with him, in a gambit to better his stinking lot in life, immediately squawked everything, but that was several hours and a few pots of coffee later.
The warden-thingy said it was not provable, and possibly a lie. But... that didn't stop them from putting him in solitary for a month. And as I said, the whole manner of his relating the tale told me that mister ward-o probably drank the lion's share of the brew.
MRSA is a frightening side effect of many years of poor sanitation as a cost cutting measure--and nobody wants to clean up after a bunch of ingrates, so I understand that. I hope they can make up for lost time before we all die from ulcerated pustules.
Ah well.
Taulouse-Lautrec. All over the doorknob.
I'm glad I wasn't eating anything when I read this. On the other hand, I should know better than to ever snack while reading your blog!
Jim, I'd be wearing da gloves every day at work! Don't want any of da stuff getting on ya hands! :) --Bro, Ron
methicillin-resistant Staphylo wha? That sounds serious. Damn, man. I didn't know they'd go biological on you in there.
While we're cleaning things up, let's expunge the overabundance of acronyms (OOA): MRSA, GED, etc. My favorite is from the Navy, noted while i worked on a gov't proposal: FRACAS = failure reporting analysis corrective action system. Or something like that. It had to be thrown in there as a ringer.
the MRSA has been reported in richmond, VA and there's been a case in MD. that's why i wash, wash, wash. i'm not OCD, but i always wash my hands before eating and when i come in from outside, and sanitize when i'm out using hand sanitizer or hand wipes. during the winter season when i wear gloves, i keep them on in public.
MSRA has been everywhere always. People just didn't know about it until the stupid mass media reported it to freak everyone out. Just like the birdflu, the superflu, norovirus, chicken pox, small pox, polio, AIDS/HIV, anthrax... you name it the media has made it into some sort of frenzy.
Anyways, I have OCD and I wash my hands until the skin goes raw sometimes. And it burns like fuck when you put on the sanitizer crap but my mother always told me that if it doesn't hurt it isn't doing its job.
That all sounds normal to me - in a country where taxi drivers and platform assistants ritually wear white gloves; and people obsessively wear 'face masks' I kid you not. Or is that some trend that's a hit world wide...?
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