When you videotape a fawn peacefully walking across your front yard, dub in some heavy artillery followed by a crowd cheering for its successful escape, then post it on YouTube under the title “Ted Nugent Visits My House,” you’re bound to get a few NRA / Hunting Enthusiasts cussing you out. They assume you’re anti-hunting, anti-gun. I sometimes wonder: If I dubbed in a crappy new song by the Motor City Madman would they have given me the benefit of the doubt, that I’m poking fun of the Nuge?
I remember my first year of hunting, my uncle and I slung the hindquarters of a deer on our shoulders and headed back to camp. We explained that it was too difficult to drag the carcass out of the swamp. “We took what we could get,” I said.
My answer seemed plausible, dusk came quickly. However, my brother, not buying it—he never gave up on a potential kill, and a few days later, with ammo flying, made hamburger out of a spiked buck wheezing on the river bank—questioned our story.
We fessed up. It was a doe, like we had mentioned (the story wouldn’t have been plausible if we had imagined an eight-point buck), and we discovered it bloated and dead. My uncle suggested I practice gutting my first deer. When I stuck the knife in I punctured the sack, releasing a rotten egglike stench. We gagged. Then cut.
That night we cooked venison and ate it, hoping the next day would bring better luck.
Said Bambi's mother,
"That is man."
Ah well. I've heard that Walt Disney used to pose and torment animals.
What say you to that accusation, Dead Guy?
Jim, Ah, I remember those first couple of years deer hunting. BUT I really remember my 3rd year hunting especially with that 8 pt. buck that you have holding in your hands. What a beauty! That was in 1979 as a Junior in High School. I got 2nd in the school competition with that buck. Hey Jim, you should post the 8 pt. buck that has been running around our house with a bucket on it's head. I sent the photos via email. --Bro, Ron
Jim, Oh, I also like that sweat shirt you have on of U of M!!!!! --Bro, Ron
It's been a while since I've had venison. I disliked that filmy tallow feeling it left in our mouth. I've been told we did something wrong in the cleaning.
I found that Kuzmak post interesting.
While deer-hugging sounds like a bad idea, I am an environmentalist, so I only shoot animals with cameras these days and no one gets harmed. :)
I dont have anything against hunting personally.
in the old days my family were great elephant hunters... that I do have a problem with though...
but I couldnt do it myself... I dont have the heart for it
You ate an animal that you found dead? That doesn't sound like a good idea, but obviously it didn't kill you.
Did you by chance make this video of the deer with the sound effects? I'd love to see that, regardless.
Ted Nugent has some cool old songs--Free for all being a favorite--but he would be a serial killer if he didn't recieve so much attention from the world. He gives hunters a bad name. Too bad the world didn't get the joke.
This was really good. When we arent't taking what we can get, we're taking what we think we can get. And the difference between them are a lot more than what it sounds like.
4:20 is here!
I am not a hunting enthusiast but this post brought back memories of my Dad who did hunt. And we all hated those venison dinners. An acquired taste we never managed to acquire year after year...
myhmm, venison. Mhmmmm, venison chili. mymmm, venison steaks.
Why did you post this so close to lunch?
And Charles, mmm venison salami on rye. Mmm...
So why'd you eat a deer you found dead in the woods? MW
Well....did it? Bring better luck, I mean?
Did I read that wrong, or did you eat a rotten deer?
I don't oppose hunting, per se, as long as you're hunting for meat, not the thrill of the kill.
But I don't think I could go or watch it happen.
I have eaten venison and some other "wild" meats and depending on the chef it can be quite tasty.
Venison is tasty, certainly. Sounds pretty damned good right about now . . .
Go hunt, have a ball with your buddies and get a deer it's good to cull the population. But for me I live in an area where every drunk and dope head has a gun already so I don't need to go to the Michigan woods to find that.
I killed a rabbit with a gun once, learned to skin 'em and gut 'em and cook them but from then forward I always took a different approach if I was in the bush and hungry. baited a trap and bashed their heads in, no pellets in the meat that way.
But this year in MI I think the hunters are really going after what is going to turn out to be NEEDED food.
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