It’s always a pleasure sharing prison stories, especially with new employees during lunchtime. Their incredulous stares, their “What am I getting myself into?” expressions as one veteran teacher says to another, “Remember the time Inmate Harris got his throat slit in the library?” Thus, the story begins … Harris-the-once-free-man had raped another inmate’s grandmother. He hadn’t anticipated that other form of retribution, until years later, after the plastic toothbrush with embedded razor slid across his jugular. We call it: Justice served twice.
Each memory spawns another.
“What ever happened to the new gal in personnel?” I ask. “Talk about rotten luck. Wasn’t it her first week here?”
No one remembers her name, as if she evaporated into thin air. Yet, everyone knows exactly what they were doing on that particular day. One of our very own, a sergeant, stressed out and angry, marched into the personnel office with a loaded shotgun and took everyone hostage.
The new employees in the lunchroom hear our laughter. An awkward moment arises. They try to concentrate on all aspects of the conversation, the bits and pieces, the added details.
“I can’t believe the door fell off the WDIV helicopter,” I remark. I wasn't at work. I had a doctor's appointment on the day it happened.
“The cameraman must’ve wanted a better shot of the facility,” another speculates.
Someone mentions the coroner’s office, how administration may have anticipated a body count. We remind the new employees that these stories are not the norm, that prison work is often dull. Still, I often think about that gal in personnel. Did she quit because of that one bad experience? Or did she simply move on to a different job?
There are more stories I’d like to share, and perhaps someday I will. But not for awhile. At least not in this venue. I’m shelving my blog and concentrating my efforts on a few writing projects that I hope to complete soon, or perhaps they will complete me.
It’s been fun. Have a safe and happy holiday.
Sincerely, JR Thumbprints
I still say you should start a new blog about your happy fun side. Since you didn't like NakedSpaGuy, how about MichiganFishAgain? Anyway good luck with whatever you do - I can tell you are a good person and I'd love to see your happy fun side.
Whatever gives you the calm and peace Jim.
Jingle bells to you and poodlelabradors!!
Rats. I'm going to miss this blog. Here's hoping you'll reconsider...
Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Jim, I know that you will one day reconsider! Just keep writing any one fashion or the other! See you later today with all of our families this great holiday season. Adios, --Bro, Ron
Jim, 31,570 comments left behind on your blog since May 2006! Hey, your blog has opened up everyone's eyes and ears including me, who didn't really know the Teaching World in the Prison Life. I learned a lot from you and will continue to learn from you as brothers!! Keep the faith and continue your writing as much as possible. Adios Bro, --Bro, Ron
Don't blame you one bit. We have seen retribution in action.I enjoyed it while it lasted. Sayonara. MW :)
I will truelly miss reading your blog...take care and have a wonderful Holiday Season.
Good luck with the writing projects. Do keep us informed on occassion at least of what is going on at Castle JR.
Maybe it's just me, but if someone came to my work w/a loaded shotgun & a bad attitude I'd probably quit, too!
Best wishes to you & yours, btw. You'll be missed!
You're leaving again?
I hope you come back - again.
I'll miss the education I get here.
All the best with your writing projects and a happy (and safe) holiday to you, too.
Wordpress make you an offer you can't refuse?
Kidding, but you did mention a website. That sounds an awful lot like trying to get paid for this. It'll be sad to see you go, but one day I'm sure you'll get something going and prosper from it.
you have an awful lot of interesting stories for a job you call dull! either way I'm still reading
merry x-mas to you
Hey Jim,
This made my day -- I LOVE those stories! And good luck with the hiatus. Keep me posted -- you'll be publishing like a maniac -- this I know! Happy Holidays!
I have gotten way behind in my reading, but it's been interesting reading here tonight.
Since you have read many of the early chapters, I wanted to let you know I posted the title chapter last night—a couple more chapters will wrap it up and I’ll be getting back to “normal” at POI.
why is it that I dont feel sorry for inmate harris
Everybody needs a sabbatical from time to time. Happy holidays, Jim!
I've enjoyed every one of your posts to see education from a different perspective. I will keep you "favourited" just in case you decide to come back - again. We'll all miss you but best of luck in any future endeavours. And Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you and yours. :D
You really should write a collection of your stories. You have a unique viewpoint and the skill to carry it off.
Happy holidays to you, JR.
I'll miss you JR. And yes, do update us on your writing endeavors. I know you'll do well.
Happy Holidays!
Heya JR!
You know "black humor" like some cheeses is an acquired taste and most new recruits can't stomach it.
JR, you can't leave us AGAIN. Not fair!
I like Geewits idea, start a blog called MichiganFishAgain. (That's very clever, Geewits!)
Come back... come back...
Come back and visit us.
Came back. Hoping you changed your mind. At least update us someday about your projects.
Merry Christmas from a guy who grew up in Roseville!
hi JR, i must admit i'm shocked about you closing down your blog. you may not feel like you've made a difference in anyone's life, but i truly believe you have impacted people's lives here on the blogs and your workplace more than you know. whatever you decide to do, i wish you all of the best in doing it.
Good luck to you. I plan on doing the same soon myself.
Merry Christmas, Jim.
Have a great New Year, as well.
Hi JR,
Long time no read your blog. Hope the commitments are going well.
See you in the new year.
Merry Christmas,
Good luck. I've been doing some of the same, and it gives me great self-satisfaction.
hopefully you'll come back like the Late Night shows after New Year's, writers' strike nothwithstanding. Letterman may make a separate deal with you, certainly. . .
Three cheers!
I hope that this will only be a hiatus. I enjoy your writing immensely, Jim. Follow your bliss, and have a great holiday!
Hey, Merry Christmas, JR. All the best for the New Year.
Aw. Good luck with your writing projects!
...and a happy new year!
(I stole that from a song I heard once or twice!)
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