The inmates keep asking me where I've been. My reply, "I got picked up for drunk driving and spent two weeks in the county." Actually, this picture was taken the day I returned from the hospital. I'm much much better now. Unfortunately, I ran into another problem at work. I shall refer to page 26 of my Employee Handbook:
All employees shall immediately notify their supervisor if taking prescribed medication which may interfere with the employee's work responsibilities.
An employee who has duties involving the direct management or observation of offenders shall immediately provide written notice to the Warden, through the Human Resource Office, of a prescribed medication that could reasonably be expected to affect the work performed, such as, but not limited to: narcotic pain medication, psychotropic medication, mood altering medication, or antihistamines.
If there is a question on the effects of the medication, the employee shall be required to provide medical clarification. If the medication does not adversely affect job performance, the Warden will provide a way for the employee to take the medication.
What can I say? I'd like to take it with a glass of water please.
So will you be at the ranch? Great Pic. MW
I'll see you there. Of course, I'll have my union representative present when I hand deliver my FYI memorandum to the personnel director (you know, the person who wouldn't fact-check my teaching certificate; the person who tried to get me fired; the person who doesn't have to be drug-tested). I suppose they'll make sure I'm randomly drug-tested this time around.
Bureacracy, eh? Enough to send you into a cold, cold box, I'd say. Cheers for the heads up re: the Howard Fast story. No, as a Brit in Japan, I've never heard of it, but will seek it out. It's hard to choose quality short stories for unmotivated Japanese Engl Lit students who have most classes in their mother tongue. I have to (sadly, ineptly) translate most of the poetic/local dialect vocab. It's a grind, but The Lottery's ending will hit them. I'm sure.
Off to check out about Mr. Fast right now. Cheers! And good luck with the chairmen of the bored when you are summoned.
Glad that you are feeling ok!
Bureacracy! Gotta love it.
Glad you are better!
JR, I'm sorry, but that picture is hysterical. Is it really you?
My gosh, you have even worse bureaucracy than where I work, and I work for the government of British Columbia, where bureaucracy rules...! And not in a good way.
I hope you're starting to feel better than you look in that picture.
Ok Jim, what "real" drugs have you been taking. You look awful in that picture. You might have to get a facial job just so you can look cheerful. Keep charging away. --Bro, Ron
lol he said "facial"
Not via dart gun? Gees. What fun is that? Glass of water . . .
Jim, glad you're on the mend and blah blah blah to the bureacrats. They'll enjoy their time in Hell, no doubt.
Ok, ok, take this job and .... no more ranching tonight.
I admire your courage to post this photo, Jim. Hope you're feeling much better. Looks like you're well ahead of me on the self-acceptance scale. This middle age thing is a little tougher than I thought it would be... Cheers.
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