I held the ammo in my left hand and the chipmunk by the tail in my right. The instrument of death—a pellet gun, proudly held by Denny Wentworth, one of the locals near my parent’s cottage in the woods. We stood off Shady Lane, my shoulders tense, feeling the heavy burden of the chipmunk’s soul, an indelible mark in the form of a large shadow imprinted on my coat. It was true, I had been outnumbered—the photographer making us pose with the kill. “Smile for the camera,” he said. So I did. My smile forced, as if I had been an unwilling participant, an accomplice if you will, while Denny seemed relaxed, ready to slaughter more, ready to show off our trophy victims.
It’s hard to imagine that the boy holding the chipmunk would become a teacher for the Michigan Department Corrections. By his own volition, he had chose to surround himself by murders, rapists, and thieves to earn a paycheck. What was it that made him change? What was it that made him gain the necessary confidence? What was it in this photo that didn’t add up? Perhaps Rod Stewart had it all wrong when he sang, “Every picture tells a story, don’t it?”
Now that I have misrepresented the facts based on what you saw, let me tell you what the picture failed to show: 1) I appeared to be uncomfortable because of the cold, damp autumn weather, 2) the pellet gun and ammo were mine and 3) I had been the trigger man, not Denny.
Jim, Nice picture. You didn't show the stock pile of all the chipmunks we got? "Those were the days", "I remember"... --Bro, Ron
How come when we did that as kids no one got his eye poked out and none of us turned out homocidal?
They are already going after us fat ...ckers!
Didja eat it? Eeew, Eastern Seabord girls just don't get this. Though my nephew (raised in Texas, shock of shocks)took down a chipmunk straight in the eye using my Dad's pellet gun. We only shot tin plates as kids. But we did play "Jarts." That's gotta count for something, right?
KS (saw your post on Snark)
Oh my God! What is wrong with you?! hehe What is it with men and shooting things?
My cousin had a pellet gun. Later, he qualified well on the M16 rifle for the First Cavs. Sadly, he got the top of his head shot off in Nam. But he did live to tell about it and became president of his VFW Post.
I'm going to second what Sheila said!
I am familiar with the Chipmunks of Kensington Park. I grew up in Detroit and I know that they are deadlier and more ferocious than they look. This reminds me of the day a friend of mine and I came upon a family of Owls. We took them out in a little over a minute, didn't even think about it. One of the worst things I have ever done.
Nice creative non-fiction. Thanks for clarifying the facts in the case of this unfortunate chipmunk. When this appears in book form, readers will not be able to say via Oprah you made up the story and made them confused a la Mr. Frey. It's a keeper.
Why didn't you have it mounted? You could have used it as a decoy for more chipmunk huntin. Alvin..
I certainly hope you're feeling better, Jim!! I've been reading and it seems that quite a few people have developed the not-so-lovely stones, including you, my grandma, my moms best friend, and a girl at work.
Take care.
Hope your feeling fine. Looks like you're too old for fightin...
Reminds me of my youth. At my high school if you presented a hunting license, you could take off the first day of deer season. Guns in the gunrack of pickups parked in our school parking lot. Talk about the age of innocence.
Cute photo :o)
I could ask myself the same question, sometimes i do. 25 years ago the thought of working with criminals and victims of crime had not even entered my head.
Killer of Animalkind. ??? What's up????
That's a sweet little outfit that Denny has on. :)
i grew up in miami and didnt see a REAL chipmunk untill i was around 25. i was so surprised at how small it was. My coworkers asked, what did you think they looked like Chip and Dale. Well, yeah. They were the only ones i had ever seen in the subtropics.
Oh, lord, I would love to have a look through your family photo album. Your pictures are a total hoot....!
My brother once accidentally shot a seagull with a pellet gun.
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