I never played any organized baseball as a kid. No Little League for me. Just the occasional pick-up game in our old neighborhood. My brother (the one wearing the Old English "D" ball cap) had the better throwing arm, and he certainly could field the ball better. I’d like to boast that I was the better slugger, but I’m not even sure that was the case.
So what do I remember? Well, for one, the heated arguments and fistfights that sometimes cut short our innings of play. We worked off the honor system, where if you were tagged out, you had to admit to it. Of course, no one ever did, unless it was way too obvious. Some games were taken too serious, as if it were a matter of life and death. And in the case of my brother’s best friend, a true Little Leaguer, he swallowed his tongue after colliding with a teammate in centerfield. It had been touch and go for awhile, until the opposing coach used a corkscrew to pry his tongue out of his throat. Thank God for organized sports.
What can I say? Go Tigers! And Bless You Boys.
(Stay tuned for Monday’s post on my blog’s return to victory in the "SYTYCB" Contest.)
Hey Jim, nice post. I saw the last three innings on the fly. Pretty cool win. I played Little League as an outfielder and that was the extent of my baseball experience. Here's to your upcoming contest win :->
Jim, It was a great game last night and the English "D" is going to the World Series. I remember the last time in 1984 that they won the series. Of course everyone remembers the fires and burnt up cars in the streets down at Tiger Stadium. I have a feeling that they are going all the way. Would be nice to have a 1968 repeat against the St. Louis Cardinals. I remember our backyard baseball games where we always slottered our neighbors. We always fought back then but we won to our benefit. Where were you able to pull up that picture? Wow, that is an old one. Great memories! --Bro, Ron
Hey Jim,
My favorite part of the game was the end, where they were all pouring champagne on each other even though it must have been freezing. There is something beautiful about all that waste and craziness. Go Tigers!
Jim, Forgot to congratulate you on your "1st" place award in the "So You Think You Can Blog" competition. Hey, I'll take some credit this time due to that great Halloween Trauma picture also with me in it! How can you not win with our happy camper faces in the picture? Thank-You to The Thinker! Also, did I beat you in the tricycle race in this picture?? :) Keep blogging! --Bro, Ron
Congrats on winning first place again. The Thinker can sure pick
em'. Good memories playing pick-up
ball. Very competitive. Tackle football was even worse. You didn't stand a chance if you had the ball. I think our team at times tackled our players. Go Tigers. It would be nice to see them repeat a series with the Cardinals. Now they can rest. MW
Feathers waterlogged from champagne. Can't fly. Blogging tough.
What a mischievous looking pair!
Personally I detest baseball, but when it's the home team, how can you resist? I even broke down and watched the Red Sox games the year they won the World Series.
I love the photo. I can just see the two of you in action. Cute post, and OMG, a corkscrew? Wow, that has to be the memory of a lifetime :)
Looks like we are in Tiger town.
I love the Tigers. I have only been to a few games but they were cool. I like playing baseball more than I like watching it though. I think it's because it's been 22 years since we won the world series that everyone is so excited. We won the year I was born. hehe go me.
As always, great picture.
Usually, the pictures my parents took of my siblings and I on tricycles featured one of us on a tipped over tricycle and the other two standing over the loser (usually me with a bloody knee and/or elbow) in victory.
Your version looks much more peaceful.
Sweet post and photo!
Fantastic photo. It looks like it's from the Ty Cobb decade.
Boo Tigers! Go Cardinals!!
As an 11-year-old Scot, I was sent to spend a glorious summer with relatives in Detroit. I remember playing softball in the garden with neighbours' kids, and going to see a Twins v Tigers match.
Perhaps the best thing about Detroit was all the radio stations, most of them playing "Little" Stevie Wonder.
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