In this first picture (spring 1974) I’m perched atop a Suzuki 50 decked out in light-burgundy flair-bottom pants, saddle shoes, hoody, and knit cap (no helmet). Unlike my childhood days spent popping wheelies on my bicycle and emulating Evel Knievel (Previous Post: Our Towne Club), I believe my brother and I fashioned helmets during minibiking. Also, I’m positive we didn’t attempt any air-defying stunts; the Suzuki 50 was too heavy. Evel would’ve disapproved, claiming the heavier the better.
The second picture is proof of my folks good parenting skills. As you can see by the blurred trees, I am zipping along quite nicely. My dress shoes have been replaced with durable boots and I’m wearing a half-shell helmet. Sorry, Mr. Jim Rhoades, legislative director of ABATE (American Bikers Aiming Toward Education), I’m all for helmets—even bicycle helmets.

Thirty-two years later, and would you believe my dad still has this Suzuki 50? It’s in mint condition and still runs. Next time I’m at my parents house I’ll have someone take a picture of me sitting on it. And of course, if I decide to go for a ride, I’ll wear a helmet.
Great Post. Brings back memories.
Love the post! And thanks for the inspiration...check out my post for today. :) -R
Hey Jim,
Another great post and pix. I had a regular old bike in my basement, but someone broke in and stole it, leaving the helmet behind.
Great post today Jim. I didn't vote for Govenor Jennifer Monkey Butt. I don't like her or her ideas not to mention the fact that she is making it more difficult for me to attend school. Anyways love the pictures of the bike! hehe
That picture is so great! I'm too terrified to get on a motorcycle, helmet or no, but I think it's very cool.
Jim, I know we didn't attempt airbodics with the Suzuki 50 BUT I remember being Evel K. with the Honda minibike. Remember all of our bike paths we made in the woods up north? Those were fun times even if we did get scraped up once in a while. We definetly wore our helmets which were a must. If I could only get my girls to wear their helmets when roller blading and riding their bicycles. Bro, Ron
AAHH, parents!
Aren't they wonderful? Mine were anyway.
It's a wonder that any of us live to adulthood, despite their best efforts. The Suzuki brought back memories, a friend had one, and the first motorized thing I ever drove was another friend's Honda Trail 70.
Great post.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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