The very same day I got my response: "Hi James, good idea! Why don't you give me a 500-word review due by next Thursday? I'll take a byline too, explaining when your work appeared, etc."
I'd made my pitch, I'd gotten my response, so I finished the review two days prior to the deadline and did a follow-up email: "Attached is the 500-word review of 'The End of the World' by George Dila, including my byline. Also, I've attached a jpg file of his book cover. I hope it meets the needs of the Metro Times. Let me know."
Now I wait, wondering why the hurry in the first place, paranoid some intern has my book review on the bottom of some "to do" pile, that is, if it were printed out and not accidently deleted. Maybe he'll count 530 words and per the directions of his boss scrap my piece altogether. As I wait, I email the author of the book, filled with false hope, trying to make it a reality. He responds: "James, A review in MT would be fantastic. I'm currently in Iowa attending workshops, having a great time. George." I wish I could say the same.
hey, thanks for the kind words on my blog. i usually steer clear of celebrity gossip but that was just too special to ignore.
i really enjoyed your post on the no helmet bill. i mean, why should the statistics of an issue be considered?
i hope you hear back soon about your article.
Good Luck On The Article!!!. Squeaky Wheel Gets The Grease, or At Least That's What My Father Always Says.
I Didn't Know Cat Fish Could Fly.
Nice post. The picture looks like it's from the catfish tournament?
Cat looks big to be throwing back?
It's all in the timing...keep at it. MW
Love the post and photo, Jim! And Cheers to you, for your persistence!
wow awesome picture jim!
Hey Jim,
YaH!oOORAH! Cheers! Love the flying catfish shot, too!
Jim, We only know how the catfish can fly!! :) Bro, Ron
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