Sunday, June 4, 2006


The pond is coming along just fine and, sorry to say, no Jimmy Hoffa. It would have been easier and less expensive for the FBI to install my pond instead of having to tear down a horse barn only to rebuild it later. I suspect the FBI has helped boost Michigan’s economy, at least in Milford anyway, and I too have helped by purchasing my pond liner from Firestone Tire, a major auto supplier.

In today’s photo, I’ve included a two-tiered shelving system for plants. My wife, a master gardener, provided the specs as far as the water’s depth for various aquatic plants. We plan on having a two-tiered waterfall and a bridge also. She’s already sweet-talking our neighbor into designing and building the bridge. All I need to do is supply the wood and hardware.

In my next pond update (probably sometime next week), I should have approximately 4,000 gallons of water in it. And fish. And frogs. And toads. And snails. And plants of course.

Tomorrow’s post will be more exciting. I promise. Why? Because I will be discussing politics while wearing a Speedo. Tell all your friends to click on my blog and leave a comment if they’d like. I’m sure, with my strict exercise program, that most comments will be favorable.


Cheri said...

By God that's a big hole!
So where's this wife photo at? ;D

Good work man, that's hard shit to do, I just hoep you're not doing it all alone!

Anonymous said...

Nice post. Can't wait for the politics and speedo.

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Jim,
I always wanted a pond -- very cool! As for Jimmy the H., well, his remains didn't show up on the Sopranos last night, and the Red Fox is an Andiamo now, I think. But there's still a field by the Eastern Market scross from the Roma Cafe to check out . . .

Erik Donald France said...

Jim, the clicker has got to be frustrating -- it should be going up! Maybe if you put more info. in your profile, there would be more of a chance of random people checking it out through the topic hyperlinks? Hell if I know, but good luck! (I find number checking kind of addictive, though I'm fairly sure I don't have "natural" OCD. . .)

Wichita-Lineman said...

Looks as if the earth is ready to swallow you up. The two-tiered levels look great. 4,000 gallons!!! That’s a lot of liquid. All you need now is an inner tube and a drink.

Luma Rosa said...

Jim, in the Brazil we are not accustomed here to make artificial tanks, lakes and waterfalls. I found and a true adventure interesting! (laughs) I find that it knows as I arrived here and I forgive my bad English. Kisses

ZZZZZZZ said...

thank you for being my first comment! i was so excited to read it!!! hope you keep checking into my blog. i'll visit yours often!


ZZZZZZZ said...

sorry JR i meant JR not tom!! hehe i'm new to this. nice pond