I’ve never had good luck with electricity. Once, when my father-in-law was alive and suffering from Parkinson’s, we decided to take a trip up to our cabin for some much needed R & R. Unfortunately, I had to install a new heating element to the water tank. I turned off the correct circuit breaker, and by the time I found my Phillips flat head screwdriver my father-in-law switched it back on. As soon as I put screwdriver to metal I couldn’t let go fast enough. I wanted to cuss him out but knew, in one of his brief moments of lucidity, that he realized what he had done. Another time I was installing fluorescent lights in our basement from an aluminum ladder. This time it was my fault, I switched off the wrong circuit breaker. The least I could’ve done was used a wooden ladder.
My wife tried to get an electrician to our house on several occasions for the pond hook-up. No one would come. Our neighbor across the street volunteered. At first he thought this involved digging the trench, installing the electrical outlets, and so on. But when he found out it was a simple connection he said, "Hell, I can do that." When we were in the basement I told him I’d turn off the main and he said not to bother. "Just pull me off the box if something happens." I stood back and watched. It wasn’t until later that I found out that he wasn’t even an electrician.
All of that was four years ago. Since then, we’ve gone bigger. Here’s the latest update with the bridge. Our other neighbor, Ken, constructed it. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to see the waterfall from my kitchen window, but the bridge is at just the right angle and has a low enough arc not to obstruct my view. Stepping outside onto my back deck, the sound of water pounding on rock greets me. The only problem I’m having is that the pump may be too large for the pond. I could always make the waterfall higher since I have all that electricity running the pump. Or I could start over, dig a larger pond.
Pond looks great. With all that vegetation it looks like it could have been there forever. Nice work!MW
"...with symbols in mind..."--the Evangelists did pretty well with the parables of Jesus.
Ponder the above.
E seems that the effort was valid the penalty. He was pretty!
That's hilarious! Electricity is quite an element to contend with. I think the worst thing I've done (so far) with trying to do something myself was poking a hole in a freezer while chipping out a giant mushroom of ice, letting all the freon out. My landlord just chuckled and replaced the fridge with a much older, sturdier one and charged me $100 for the trouble. Love the bridge and whole setting!
The bridge adds character. The pond is looking great and it's nice to see hard work pays off. Wish I had a waterfall to look at in my back yard instead of a parking structure.
Ah yes, electricity. Trimming tree branches away from the power lines taught me all I need to know about that stuff, stay away!!! Got a few minor (thank god they were minor) pokes from the wires a few times. The safety board was always showing us pictures of those who got Major pokes. Electricity does disgusting stuff when it exits a body.
Don't work there anymore, I'll leave it to those crazy "who gives a shit" risk takers I keep expecting to see in the obituaries one day. Those guys have no fear at all, might have something to do with the cocaine they'd snort off the dash boards during lunch.
Great story -- the part I like best is the guy saying, Just pull me off the box-- that would be a really good title for something.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
I find some information here.
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