I already knew how to type. I pretended to follow along with the typing teacher's drills and qualified for the school's typing team. Being the only boy on the team and the best typer had its advantages. I met plenty of girls. Unfortunately, this did not increase my popularity like I thought it would, so I focused my energy on my art.
The above picture is titled, "Joe." That was the name of our dog back then. Ten years later he would suffer a stroke and my father would have to put him down. I enjoyed working with scratch-art, where you brush ink over a canvas then scratch away at it to form different textures of light. On the back of the canvas was my letter grade in red ink: -A. Also, at the community art show, I received a second place ribbon in this medium.
wow that picture is really good! i used to draw all the time (nothing spectacular or anything) and last year i started dabbing in acrylic paints. i'm no davinci or anything but it's relaxing to draw and paint. sorry about your dog and that your dad wouldnt let you take art. you draw beautifully.
Good story. I can identify with the dynamics of wood shop. You got talent. You can do your own story illustrations. How's the pond coming along?
that damn pond should be done by now!!!
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