Sunday, February 11, 2007


In my younger days, I could rattle off an inmate’s six digit number by heart—my way of sending a message: “Okay, you want to act like a convict, then I might as well treat you like one.” Usually a direct order would follow, and if that didn’t work, then a “Disobeying a Direct Order” Rule Violation Ticket. But I’d rather not go that route with my students. They already know they’re property of the Michigan Department of Corrections, and they already know that they have a unique number that they’ve earned for being tried and convicted of a crime.

Sorry to disappoint you, but the name you are born with is not as unique as a prison number. So where am I going with this? MW wants me to lighten-up a bit and write something non-prison related, and since I once again referred to Ellie as Emily, I thought I’d take the heat off myself by directing you to the other me, the professional writer me. Please go to: .

If that doesn’t grab your attention, then try researching the other 449 folks in the United States that have my first and last name, or see how many folks share your name. I guess I’d rather have this problem, than have an inmate number. Some things you’re forced to keep and can’t leave behind.
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

A comment or two, depending on just how many folks you represent, would greatly be appreciated. And once again, I’m sorry Ellie for the mix-up.


Ruth W. said...

Oh my, there are 5,892 people with my name. No wonder I have problems with the TSA when I fly sometimes, there is a bad person with my name out

Earl said...

My name is Earl, and I'd like to apologize for using your name on a credit card application and screwing up your credit. Now that I've apologized, I'll cross you off my list.

Anonymous said...

You got me. I'm beginning to believe it's just not your students...:) Stick with the JR. By the way, my name is unique. Not to be confused with eunuch.
You look much older on your web site Jim. Is that for marketing purposes? MW

Anonymous said...

Jim, Hey you're lightening up??? I just checked my name and it looks like there are 98 other ME's out there in the good ole USA. I like the photo of you catching the BIG one! Keep up the good work. --Bro, Ron

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Jim, nice one. There are six with mine, which is why I lay down the middle name. Then there's only one.

I wonder how many Moon Unit Zappas there are?

Frank Marcopolos said...

There are 0 people with my name. Guess I don't exist. Shucks.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jim,
There are 359,962 people in the U.S. with the first name Robin. The 160th most popular first name. 86.67 percent with the first name Robin are female. As for my full name, I'm THE ONLY ONE! :) This was a fun post...
Robin (formerly R's Musings)

GrizzBabe said...

There were only 344 people with my name. I thought there would be more.

H.E.Eigler said...

There are zero people in the US with my name, but in Canada I know of at least one other. Now, I'm off to check out your other site....

Ellie said...

You didn't have to apoligize, I thought it was funny. :) But it did give you "material" for this post so maybe you should thank me instead of apoligize, hmmmm?

I did go on the site and there is nobody out there with the same name as me. My name is too real, un-anonymous name, that is.

By the way..I like how your brother Ron is a big fan of yours. He seems to be really proud of you, a great cheerleader. I wonder, is he older or younger than you? You should do a post on him one day.

Charles Gramlich said...

Ten people with my name.

Charles Gramlich

Anonymous said...

5 million Grouchos

Jo said...

JR, there are only 9 people in the US with my name, and I don't know if there are any others in Canada.

Interesting post.


Bardouble29 said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog...I enjoyed reading yours, will be back for more.

Christina said...

I teach really young children and there is just no way to get them to behave. You can't even treat them like inmates because they just don't care how direct of an order you give them. I don't like chaos though, so we'll see how long I keep up this position.

Donsie said...

Hi JR, I dont excist in USA. mmm maybe because I am in South Africa. Still VERY interresting... Good post!

ghee said...

I got zero,JR,LOL!
I knew it but of course i just tried it :)

i didnt get it,JR is the award winning writer JIM TOMLINSON,too?
or it just happened that you have the same name?sorry for my innocence...

etain_lavena said...

Not even one with my name, None with my fullname and 23,997 with a last name as mine...I am uniq.....whoohooo:)

Ashley said...

I like your prison stuff, its interesting!

Johnny Yen said...

No one with my real name thanks to my bomb-throwing anarchist great-grandfather, who changed the name to avoid prosecution for setting non-union bakeries aflame. There are a few with my nom de plume.

When I was a teacher in Cicero, a predominantly latino suburb of Chicago, I would have a "Daniel Rodriguez" every year. It started becoming kind of a joke in our department.

Johnathan Swift said...

Yeah, the other guy really is named Tomlinson. Just think if there was a writer named Shakespeare in the time of Shakespeare. What would've happened?

Cheri said...

I saw you on Sunday at JC Penney while my mother and I were shopping for watches. =D

I didn't want to seem like a crazy person so I didn't say hi, just noticed you walking by instead.

Mr. Know It All said...

Mr. Noticed is really a person!!!

heartinsanfrancisco said...

There are 5 people in the US with my maiden name, and 1,739 with my married name. Way better than a number.