I often wonder why I still get the Detroit Free Press. It’s filled with nothing but bad news. I read about how this couple had problems way before their vehicle went into the water. I read about how the husband turned on the gas to the stove and left lighted candles in their house. I read about how he was tried and convicted for the murder of their children.
At work, I don’t like to match faces with the tragedies I have witnessed on the television or read about in the newspaper. Sometimes it happens. One day, as I was leaving the prison, I said to a coworker, That woman in the lobby, she looks familiar. Who is she?
That’s inmate so-and-so’s wife. You know—Mr. I-got-a-cramp-in-my-leg guy.
No way! I said.
Yep. She tries to visit him faithfully. I don’t think I’d visit someone who tried to kill me. He usually refuses the visit anyway.
I’ve often wondered how you can measure “true love.” Is it by the Hallmark smiles on a couple’s faces? Or is it by the amount of suffering a person is willing to endure?
Short story recommendation: "Love" by Nell Goddin
Whether you choose to measure it by Hallmark smiles or suffering, have a happy Valentine's day.
Well said..that made me think about a few things.
I'm don't think what that couple have is love. Is love really that sick?
Great post. Makes you wonder. Sure takes the fun out of Valentines Day. I wonder if she will show up tomorrow on the holiest of holy, St.Valentine
day itself. With your head turned to the side it looks like you could have been shot with a cupid arrow. The inside of your ear is diplaying what looks to be some kind of metal piercing, and you are holding the goods. Happy VD. MW :)
Did you see the story about the Neoltithic "Romeo and Juliet?" Embracing for over 5,000 years? The American version neglected to mention that the dude had an arrow in his spine, the woman an arrow in her side. I had a class speculate how they ended up that way. They came up with some pretty interesting ideas.
Jim, Nice photo. Oh yes, tomorrow is suppose to be a special day?? Valetines Day?? VD day? My excuse, it's snowing like cats and dogs and I can't get out of the house to... My computer is down and I can't buy... I'm running around taking and picking up my kids.... I ran out of time to.... Anyways, my wife loves me and I love her. That's what matters!!! Have a wonderful VD day tomorrow!! :) :) :) --Bro, Ron
What a sad story. My goodness, you must know dozens of stories like that. Too sad.
Okay, what's in the goodie bag? Is that for me? How sweet. You shouldn't have...:-)
Sad story. I have a difficult time watching the news or reading the paper because of all the bad news. That poor woman seems like she has more of an obsession with the man instead of "true love" for him.
I'm wondering if that is really any type of love.... maybe some kind of infatuation.... interesting.
Maybe I'm judging harshly, but I don't think that's love. That's mental illness.
I doubt if love can be measured.
That must be the Valentine the Hot Pink Convertible Valentine Gals reminded you not to forget to pickup for the Missus.
Oh, unless it's another pop-up?
A sad story. May be I need to hope for good but despite it all, I think that it is a love story in its own way.
Love is such a difficult thing to define, cause not everybody experience it the same. The media has just made us think it must be a certain way to be true love.
Happy V-day, JR:)
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Happy Valentine's Day
I dont think one should suffer for love in that kind of way.
I know theres a name for what this woman is doing to herself in one of my psyc books but I cant think of it now.
I have friend who sticks to a guy who treats her like shit.
she always makes excuses for what he does
thats not love
thats a person who never lernt how to love herself and sticks to people who view her in the same light as she does because thats her comfort zone
Umm, suffering in one part, but not all. I think that being in love is essentially being at one's most alive and that's what is painful and thrilling.
Songs would seem to suggest that the more we suffer the more it shows how much we love. I'm sort of tired of suffering, myself.
I used to manage a domestic violence shelter, and have witnessed some ghastly things. Perhaps the most ghastly, though, was the fact that most of these women professed undying love for the men who had brutally tortured them and their children.
I tried to write a book about my experiences there, but couldn't get very far with it, despite numerous attempts. It was just too upsetting that "love" could become so perverted.
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The Blog Whore is back in town!!!
I can't watch the news everyday, it makes me horribly sad, My husband is a die hard news fan, on the radio, on the web and the only TV he watches.. Me? I tend to stick with blogs and feel good stories, and techie news and the occasional browse through the Superficial when I'm REALLY bored.
Sad...stupid and sad...sad that a woman cannot get out of her own way to find a better way.
Hope you're doing well, enjoyed the stories I'm catching up on.
Threw better or worst... there must be a point to turn... But that is what I believe.
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