Somewhat taken aback by LA’s comment, the corrections officer on duty asked LA how he knew the inmate. “I was one of the jurors,” he said, as if this tidbit of information were unimportant, as if he were ready to get reacquainted with the man he helped convict. If it were me, my initial reaction would have been: “Get me out of here. I’ll tell you about it once we’re on the other side of these walls.”
Not LA. From the beginning, his mannerisms and nonchalant attitude sent red flares all over the compound. It wasn’t long and custody and noncustody alike were talking about LA. Typical comments were: “He’s got too much sugar in his tank.” “He’s light in his loafers.” “He’s Mr. Twinkle-Toes.” I even heard an officer singing a Navy song where he emphasized men, Men, MEN, MEN, men, Men, MEN, MEN and midstream switched to the “YMCA Song” by the Village People.
Now I’m not one to judge a person based on their sexual orientation; however, when a student of mine disappeared during count time, and they found him behind a locked office door with LA, what was I to think? After numerous warnings, custody staff kept LA on a short leash, questioning his motives every chance they could. One time they caught him coming through the front gate with female anatomy polaroids in his jacket. He claimed that he had forgotten they were there, that they were shots of his girlfriend. Our union representative told me otherwise. “It was fairly obvious that these were photos of different women. Big breasts. Small breasts. You name it.”
LA survived that ordeal with a verbal warning. It wasn’t until after I had transferred that he was fired. His offense: Smuggling in a bag of marijuana. I guess he wanted to party with the big boys.
great photo's LOL
I think LA had poor judgement- wouldn't you say??? what a nut!
LA had issues. I hate seeing people put in situations where they start falling apart and don't have the self control to save themselves. Car wrecks waiting to happen, wouldn't you say? I tend to feel sad for some teachers after their first couple years when they realize their idealized version of the profession wasn't grounded in reality.
Teaching is very hard to do. I had graduated with a BS in elementry education and wanted to teach kids how to enjoy the wonderful world of learning. I did it for a couple of years, and discovered they do not want to learn. I just wasn't strong enough to hang in there, so I left. Yes, I feel bad about it, but maybe I just didn't have the right stuff.
Teachers are so under paid, and put up with so much, it in itself is a crime.
God bless teachers!!!!!!!
Enjoyed the post. Your A is not that convincing, if you know what I mean...MW:)
There's that "canary" again!!! Jim, you look like that dude that walked into that bar up north and got "heckled" at. I agree with MW. Your "A" doesn't look that convincing. You need to add a little hummff and straighten out more. Sounds like LA was lucky to be alive! --Bro, Ron
Oh, your "Y" & "A" look like you're under arrest. Your "M" looks like you're showing, it's not ME (I'm not guilty!). And your "C" looks like you were wrestling with a bear in LA! :) --Bro, Ron
Wow, JR. You have some tales!
God help the teachers!
I found in my own experience that everybody was building an empire, everybody was moving toward a headship (no prison pun intended) and the danger was not from among the students that you moved, but from the other teachers."Im going to build me an empire, boy!"
Where I worked, they carried knives this long.
It took me five years to realize the teachers with whom I worked were really intelligent thugs, some of them with no degrees at all, some carbon-copy paper from a diploma mill, in Buffalo or Niagara Falls.
Homin lupus homini.
I certainly agree with Stewart Sternberg, above, that my idealized version of the profession wasn't grounded on reality.
But the danger really came from within.
Thugs teaching your kids.
Love the descriptions in this -- co-workers provide great material, yes?
Wow. That's some pretty crazy stuff. In some ways, I actually sort of feel sorry for LA. Like, I wonder why he was motivated to do such odd things. I always try to figure out the psychology behind people's actions or thinkings.
Thanks for commenting on my blog :)
Hi, JR: I have an acquaintance who worked with inmates, prisons. Told many stories similar to this one. Absolutely boggles the mind.
And, Ruth, yes teaching s hard. I am not a teacher-but I work in schools as a therapist. I don't know how the classroom teachers do it, day by day, week by week, month by month. Not much pay. And certainly, very little respect.
I have always wondered about women who marry prisoners, and assumed that if the latter are lifers, the women have commitment or intimacy issues, whatever the popular term is now.
Or maybe in LA's case, it was a perverted kind of hero worship of someone he perceived as powerful. (I don't use "perverted" because he was "light.")
You have to wonder why Tyburski saw the need to padlock a corpse. She wasn't going anywhere. Did he also chain down his steaks and frozen peas?
LA was living in La La land.
JR, your photos always make me laugh out loud. You're a hoot.
Poor LA. It sounds as if he had lost his judgment a bit. What an interesting job you have (I say for the millionth time...)
Oh Jesus, yet another librarian type doing something bad. Are you trying to break the old stereotype of the mean old lady with glasses shushing everybody? If so, good!
Great tale, of course.
Congrats on your weight loss. Thanks for stopping by. My wife had kidney stones back in October and my sister is going through a bout now. Hang in there.
Note to myself = never work in a prison.
As normally excellent post JR. And the photos looks great, don't listen to the people..
whahahah...maybe it was before and after photo's of his GF plastic surgery....but weed unforgivable;)
The YMCA pics are great! :)
Uncontrollable things happen in terms of love and lust. :)
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