—Tom Walsh, Detroit Free Press newspaper columnist (Feb. 11, 2007)
Am I to presume that “we” refers to the taxpayers of Michigan? Or is “we” the politicians in our state capital? I’d say it’s the latter because when the state employees (including myself) deferred four hours of pay per paycheck into a BLT account (Banked Leave Time) for approximately two years, the fat cats in Lansing were (and still are) reaping the benefits of thirty-four percent pay increases. Oh, but TW probably thinks IOU’s are not a big deal. How many work hours has he donated to his employer in their time of need?
—JR’s Rebuttal
Michigan’s schoolteachers are faring better than the state’s workers overall.
—Tom Walsh again
Is that a bad thing? The requirements imposed by the State Board of Education have contributed to the increased pay in teacher salaries. Teacher recertification requires an initial 18 credit hours of college coursework AFTER, I repeat, AFTER acquiring a college degree, AFTER taking the necessary education classes toward a provisional certificate, AFTER student teaching, and AFTER teaching in the field for five years. Then the Board supposedly eases up: teachers only have to take 6 credit hours of college course work every five years thereafter. I believe these requirements force a majority of teachers to earn advanced degrees. Hmmm, I guess what TW is really complaining about is the surplus of over-educated teachers. Well, I’m happy to report that I, unlike the majority, have elected not to get a masters degree, thus making myself more affordable. Some may think this defies logic—but hey, I don’t want to price myself out of the public school market. There may be a day where I don’t want to teach in a prison anymore. To get back on track, this is why Michigan’s schoolteachers are doing better than the state’s work force overall.
—JR’s Rebuttal
Speaking of the public schools, most of their employees will be enjoying three or four days off for spring break, while I’ll be in the classroom as usual. Department of Corrections teachers teach year round. I must confess though, I was forced to use a BLT day since my van wouldn’t start today. Is that okay with you, TW?
I hope everyone survived their Valentine’s Day.
Silly me, I didn't realize "asshole" was spelled T-o-m W-a-l-s-h. And to think I considered the Detroit News the right wing Republican paper. Now the Free Press has gone that path? Walsh? What next, columns by Ann Coulter and Michelle Mulkin?
Teachers have become the whipping post of this decade. When people talk about the flaws of education, they point to teacher accountability and talk in terms of vouchers and merit pay. They don't talk about the societal values that have changed or parent responsibility.
I think it's time for teachers to stand together and stop being scapegoats. I say that, but most teachers I know are running scared, afraid to rattle the cage or attract attention.
No Child Left Behind my pink, wrinkled, Jew ass.
Perhaps you could be my advocate next time I get myself in trouble--that is, if you don't dig a deeper hole for me to climb out of. With that said, I agree with you 100%.
Molding our children's minds. In my book, you can't put a price on that. I feel that teachers deserve our highest praise and also better pay.
Jim, BTW, I stayed home also with my kids due to the snowy day today or was that yesterday? Just relaxed. Hey, I don't mind paying a little more to help the teachers out if the money is going to them and not being flushed down the toilet. Just try to ignore some of the crap that the Newspapers print. One in particular really hurts the automotive company I work for. --Bro, Ron
I understand your indignation. Its a tough job you do and you do not deserve this lack of appreciation from such idiots.
I had a bummer of a Valentine's with my wife working to midnite and myself having to deal with agro at work. But I guess I'll survive. Hope you can get over this idiot's comments.
Hey, check out the pay scale for teachers in Oklahoma! (Wait, I don't know if my tears are from laughing or crying!) Stewart also makes some very good points. Lets see,how far away is retirement anyway???? And Happy Valentine's Day! Donnetta
I saw the article in the Free Press as well and I agree with Stewart . The Free Press is becoming a right wing news paper. I especially noticed this through the election and figured they were just kissing "I got a Zillion Quarters" ass, but after watching front line yesterday on PBS I'm beginning to believe that anybody who doesn't believe this right wing crap is being labled subversive or communist and believe Erik's blog on Sinclair Lewis was timely. Nice post. Great comments. MW :)
Teachers and nurses are both grossly underpaid, when you think about what an immeasurable job they do.
And you really put yourself in harm's way every day, JR, so I hope you are compensated for that at least.
It looks as if you had a special treat for Valentine's Day. It looks yummy.
I'm a bit unfocused tonight.
Was your rebuttal (s) printed in the Detroit Free Press?
If so, great.
Nope Ivan,
Only in my blog. I get tired of explaining the teacher certification process to the masses. Most people would disagree with my views on it anyway.
Ag that guy just wanna bla bla, without any idea what he is talking about.
Teachers deserve the highest pay ever.
Look like you enjoyed your valentine's day....kewl.
Couldn't agree with you more. Teaching is one of the hardest jobs ever -- nobody I know wants to do it anymore because the parents bitch and whine all the time about how great their children are (no Timmy doesn't do his homework -- it's Timmy has to get into U of M and can't with a C) and the hours are awful (what with after school bullshit -- every high school teacher I know has to coach something) and so on. I feel very lucky to work at a place I like and have freedom. Most of my friends suffer greatly.
Uh, yeah.
The subtext in your contract--certainly in my old contract--stay the &^%# out of the press.
Sounds like the teachers' money is coming otu of Walsh's paycheck. No wonder he's pissed.
We are the whipping post of this decade. I am so sick of hearing about how easy teachers have it, and how we're overpaid. If we make so much money and have such easy jobs, then why is it that 50% of teachers leave the field within 5 years?
You know my stepmom is a teacher and she is the most underpaid person I know. Most kids get left behind because for some reason our stupid ass politicians can't figure out for the life of them how important it is for everyone to receive a good, quality education. And they wonder why most of our kids are what they are now-a-days...
Interesting post. Teachers deserve a little better!! For those of you who have a stick up your ars, PULL IT OUT!!!
I agree that teachers are under appreciated and under paid. In my country it's a very low salary job. Some schools don’t even have enough teachers - they walk away because it is so hectic. Unfortunately we have an intellect behind.. Some kids just don’t get there... Must be hell to be a teacher. I have LOSTS of respect for them...
As someone who has finally tired of underpay, silly requirements and just shitty work conditions, and is soon leaving the profession, I wholeheartedly agree.
What do babysitters make these days? Five bucks an hour? Five bucks an hour times thirty and 6 is $900 a day I'd make for babysitting 30 children. I barely bring home that in two weeks as a teacher, where I'm required to be certified and to maintain my certification with "professional development."
ummm Johnny? Babysitters make at least double that, if not 12-15 bucks, at least in Chicago. *I* made 5 bucks an hour when I babysat 20+ years ago.
Hey, like the smile!!!
Holy crap! What an a$$!
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