In our lunchroom at work, I overheard the tail end of a conversation between our designated sexual harassment counselor/grievance coordinator and my boss. For some reason, even though I knew the conversation was inappropriate, I joined in.
“Reminds me of the kid eating yogurt on the back of the bus,” I said.
The school secretary looked my way. “What?”
“Don’t you remember the yogurt trick kids used to play in the cafeteria?” I asked.
Now I had everyone’s attention. I retold the story of this kid eating yogurt on the back of the bus. With a large spoon full of yogurt in his mouth, he’d asked the girls, “Guess what I am?” They, of course, had no idea, so the youngster would start massaging his neck and making weird facial expressions. Not long after that he’d start spitting yogurt at everyone.
“You’re gross!” was a popular phrase back then. But this trick elicited the following angry response: “You’re a dick!”
And his reaction: “You’re absolutely one hundred percent correct.”
After lunch, I resumed TABE testing (Test of Adult Basic Education). My boss had reminded me that anyone who refused to take the test or simply skipped out should receive an “036 Out of Place” ticket and automatically be put on “unemployable status.” No problem there.
At the end of the workday, my boss asked me how testing went.
“Two inmates missed their testing session,” I said, holding up two tickets, “…and they’re bunkies.”
“I wonder why they didn’t show,” she responded, knowing that on some rare occasions prisoners have legitimate excuses.
“I don’t know. Maybe they were tossing yogurt.”
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
(As reality often is...)
Jim, Sick one but maybe you're right. The two inmates were tossing the thick stuff back at their cells. :) --Bro, Ron
This is why upper management should set an example for everyone.
I was a better point guard and ladies' man.
You just don't get it, do you?
There ain't no love on the basketball court!
Where's the love?
Ten million dollars is alot of money!
We don't have to pay it! That's out of pocket expenses for the owners.
that response was already taken...
Is the state so broke that you can make inappropriate jokes at will?
As Borat would say: High five! Is number to or three best joke in all Kazakhstan.
What is this... yogurt?
Hahaha Eric, Borat was a great choice there! I am laughing thinking of him saying it, Hehehehehe!
Great one Jim.
That was lunch chatter? Glad I took the day off. Yogurt is a regular lunch staple for me.
Enjoyed the read. MW :)
Not sure if dig the tongue-in-cheek humour.
... sorry you don't even know me. I kind of hopped in via friend of a friend etc... fascinating blog you got here!
All the best to you!
"Vol 2"...
... yeah, hmmmmm....
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