In 1992, during my first year as a convict teacher, Raphael B. Johnson, then 17, shot and killed a man in Detroit. In 1993, he received an 8- to 25-year sentence for second degree murder. Fifteen years later and guess what?—I am still teaching convicted felons for the Michigan Department of Corrections while Raphael served his time, published a book, “To Pose A Threat: My Rite of Passage,” earned a four-year bachelor’s degree, and started his own business, Total Package Lifestyle. Oh, and let’s not forget, he has his very own website: http://www.raphaelbjohnson.com/. And what do I have? A crummy little blog.
If you were to compare a timeline of my life with his, I’d be first to admit that he has accomplished more. Why is that? Am I being too harsh on myself? Maybe I need a pep talk, if so, I can attend one of his motivational workshops at Total Package Lifestyle. Or maybe my abs are turning to flab (pure speculation on my part), if so, I can seek advice on fitness training at Total Package Lifestyle. Oh, but wait just one minute here, I’m not allowed to associate with ex-felons due to my line of work. Nor is Raphael allowed to arrange speaking engagements in our prisons. I guess our paths will never cross. Not that I’m disappointed. Not in the way Johnny Havard’s family is disappointed.
I realize that my main duty as a convict teacher is too help prisoners improve their academic skills; I have no problem with that. I also have absolutely no problem with hearing about former students becoming honest, taxpaying, working stiffs like myself. I guess my difficulty is with Raphael’s business model. Everything he has done since his heinous act is predicated upon where he’s been and what he’s done, and yet, not once has he mentioned Johnny Havard on his website; If I’m wrong, please correct me. Instead of admitting to killing a man, he should put a face and name with it. How about “I killed Johnny Havard” and all profits from my speaking engagements will go to his immediate family? Seems fair enough. But what do I know. I never killed a man.
Writing ability seems shared by con-men, criminals, car detailers and fast order cooks.
There is the famous Jean Genet,a convicted thief who came out with a couple of French masterpieces, released on Jean-Paul's Sartre's urging and soon dubbed "St. Genet."
Half of Canadian literature, until lately, has been produced by former miscreants, certainly American draft dodgers (if this last can be termed a felony).
We are not such an elite.
Talent hides in the strangest places.
Intelligence is no guarantee of it, neither is a high paying job.
Almost every kindergarden teacher has a manuscript on the go.
Almost makes you want to take up religion, don't it?
"Many are called..."
Cheer up. If rich enough, you'll do it. This I know.
Now you know Jim, the secret is in your own "crummy" (not) little blog. You haven't gone through the right of passage, which apparently is murder.
Better get at doing something that will bring you publicity of a negative nature because apparently then your name becomes unforgettable.
Any publicity...
be at peace Jim it will happen for you.
Looked over the guys website and noticed the only contact info is through a PO box wonder wy such a dynamic person has to go to the post office rather than just hear from his fans direct.
I find this quite fascinating.
On the one hand, guys like Raphael are your bread and butter. His success proves that people like you are doing a good thing.
On the other hand, you're right that there's something really weird about him profiting so on his 'biggest mistake', yet not acknowledging.
I don't blame him, though. It is to some degree a systemic flaw. The system says he has atoned, so he has no obligation to compensate the family of his victim in any way.
Perhaps the solution is to create a system that focuses more on healing the victims (the ones who live, including the families) than on punishing the culprits.
You should not also forget that you did your job. In my eyes, you have accomplished more than he ever shall. You created and guided yourself to where you are and what you choose to do. He did no such thing. Does this rankle me? Yeah, somewhat, but i dont know this guy or for that matter you. What i do know about you is that you get up and go into a prison everyday and try to help.
You got your props in my eyes.
I wish i was a better writer and had more time. But look, you are doing a good thing. For bad people. (supposedly bad people) I hope you know there are people that do not just see a teacher going into a prison to teach. I see you as a person who is...shit i dont know how to say it, you purposely choose to do a good thing. Sorry best way i can put it
Jim -- brutal.
I thought there was a law against profiting from one's crime ~ but I've heard of several instances of this. One person who is a former East LA gang member wrote some impressive books.
Beyond that, comparing yourself to others will probably only lead you to frustration. Whatever his path is.. is his path.
You have more than a "crummy little blog."
You have moral integrity.
It's not a crummy little blog. It's actually very unique. You're a guy who knows how to bloom where you're planted.
Hey, were you camping in West Michigan over Labor Day? I thoght I saw you drive by in a RV?
I guess that makes me a crummy little reader , which I'll be proud of..lol. You see, I like your crummy little blog, a lot!!
JR, he did the crime and paid with time. He does need to make a living. I think benjibopper wraps it up the best. Create a system that focuses on healing the victims. He can work and pay restitution. MW :)
I agree with everyone here. You HAVE bloomed where God planted you by doing the best job you could in an environment where you probably are not recognized for your best inner strength - moral integrity.
I love your blog but hey what IS that thing on your hat?
Sir, is that a crab on your hat?
This post didn't surprise me. You have been expressing unhappiness with your job since the first post that I read. You said the reason that you weren't in the public school system (initially) was that they would not hire someone without experience. I would imagine that you have a lot of experience now. Are you staying in the prison system because of the pay? For the possible writing material? You seem so unhappy. Maybe you should take that leap. After dealing with prisoners, you would be an AWESOME teacher of 8th grade boys.
i think even though he's paid his dues as far as the system is concerned, now that he's making some $$$, he should compensate the deceased's family. i'm surprised they don't sue.
you've touched the lives of many people thru the prison system, whether they ever tell you or not. don't measure yourself by another's gains; you're doing a great work.
the walking man said the only address for raphael johnson is a p.o. box, but that's not so. he does have a physical address, phone number and email address listed.
also, not to sound like i'm defending raphael, but i read his website, and growing up, he was reared in a good home, he was smart, having received a scholarship to a private shool and he made good grades.
yes, he did get involved with the wrong crowd, and ended up killing a man. but just from reading, it seems he took the principles with what he was raised, his punishment and whatever teachings and help he got while in prison, and turned his life around to get it back on track. unfortunately, it took murdering someone for him to straighten up.
i think that's why he's successful. this is an instance where someone has used the error of his ways to better himself, and also to help other people better themselves.
you're both doing the same thing in helping and teaching people. don't measure yourself with him and his success because that's not how God measures success. you're just as successful. unfortunately, the world does measure success by money and things.
But should he be able to capitalize on it without compensating Johnny Havard's family? Also, Montcalm Community College has courses in the prison system. How much education should the Department of Corrections provide for an inmate? Also, the name of Raphael's business, Total Package Lifestyle, sounds kind of like he's boasting. If you asked me, I'd say, "He ain't no Total Package. Why? Because I ain't no Total Package." Did you see what he charges for a speaking engagement? Lastly, his book has been banned from our prisons because he spends considerable time advising his readers how to make makeshift weapons to protect themselves while in the joint.
JR, i agree with you that he should compensate johnny's havard's family. in fact, that was my first statement, my second being i'm surprised the family doesn't sue him.
as far as what he charges, while i may not agree with outrageous fees, hey, that's how business is in the world unfortunately. then we have the choice to patronize the business or not.
i can definitely understand banning his book from the prison system for the reason mentioned. i'd even go so far as to say the courts or someone in authority should make him take that part out.
i don't know how he selected his name, so i don't know his meaning. total package may not refer to him personally so much as it does the materials he's offering.
seeing one's self as a total package isn't necessarily a bad thing however; it can mean confidence in who you are and what you're about. you said you're not a total package. perhaps you should see yourself that way; not in a prideful manner, but more in a confident manner of who you are and what you have to offer. confidence sells.
Con men have plenty of confidence to sell. Problem is: I'm not buying. No one, and I mean no one, is a Total Package.
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