I interviewed for numerous teaching jobs, only nepotism, or the lack thereof, ruled me out. You see, I’m the direct lineage of a UAW toolmaker, and not the nephew of a school superintendent. I did interview though for a position with Ford Motor Company. However, teaching laid off autoworkers, those guys and gals who made more than I, would’ve been as equally difficult as my prison gig. “Let’s improve your education,” would be my mantra, “so you can get a new job and make less.” Sounds unmotivating enough, don’t you think?
So what does one do to improve his marketability in the education profession? Simple. Obtain a teaching certificate in an area of demand. How about Math or Science? Much better than English or History. And at the secondary level to boot. My past history as a college engineering student wasn’t such a waste after all. I updated my resume and started searching for greener pastures.
I got the scoop on two teaching positions at Fraser Public Schools. Help Wanted: High School Journalism Teacher and High School Mathematics Teacher. Hot damn. Two birds with one stone. I’d be out of prison in no time. In order to increase my chances of an interview, I played up my role as an Inmate Newspaper Supervisor. Get your foot in the door, they advise.
As always, a panel interview. I showed them my portfolio, including past issues of “The Ryan Review .” The principal, assistant principal, and department heads ooohhhed and aaahhhed. Hypothetical questions regarding student discipline never came up. The personnel director thanked me for coming and explained that they had many more applicants before making a decision on a Journalism Teacher.
I found the appropriate time. I asked, “How many applicants do you have for the Math position?”
He answered, “Not many.”
“Would you consider me for that position as well? I’m certified in the appropriate discipline.”
Then it happened. I was dead in the water. He said, “You don’t have a degree in Mathematics.”
And my rebuttal: “No I don’t. But I’ve taken the necessary course work, passed the competency test, and met all the requirements by the State of Michigan to teach Mathematics.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, “but we’re looking for someone with a Mathematics degree.”
So he and I debated the whole Michigan certification process. Everyone on the panel listened. Turns out, I knew more about it than he. Not good. Not good at all. Within a week I had my “We’re sorry to inform you” letter, which crossed paths with my “Thank you for the interview” letter. My foot might as well have been physically in the door as it slammed shut. Or at least where I’d feel better. No one, and I mean no one, likes an ass kicking.
I wonder why things are so different there? Someone I know well has a very spotty teaching record - has been told to resign twice (two different schools) for attendance problems, and yet gets a position immediately when she's ready to go back to work. I don't get it. Is it the smiling thing?
No, it's a shaving thing.
looking for a job, or new job can suck sometimes. well, i guarantee you if you were in the metropolitan D.C. area, you'd be hired on the spot. they're so desperate for teachers. hope something works out for you soon.
JR, you do realize this is the time of year praying mantis create little praying mantis? You can correct me if I'm wrong but if I remember my biology correctly
the second stage of that process involves the female tearing the head off the male and eating him.
You live dangerously in the bug kingdom. I agree with geewits. Smile more. Enjoyedthe post. MW :)
Insecure people don't like to have smarter people in their realm. But I am sure you already know that.
Your blog the center of "blogsphere? That remains to be debated...oh, maybe not a debate, because I have a feeling you would win, even if you were wrong. :) Your blog does remain one of the more interesting ones out there though, if it's not in the center of the sphere. :)
Hi JR,
Thank you for stopping by. I sure feel your pain on the job hunt. It seems with over 30 years of dealing with the public I am not in demand.
Now any other person who has put their family first. The latest was I am not hirable due to my many jobs. Wait. I was a military wife, a corporate wife, years of sales experience. I have lived in Florida for 15 years. OK, I had a few jobs. Everything down here is seasonable. I was trying to keep a roof over our heads, food on the table, and the kids and wusband all in school. 2 - 3 jobs at once.
Four years working for Disney and the same 4 years working for a golf course. Not hirable.
Oh and I'm 49, don't speak Spanish and don't have a college degree. 3 credits short of an Associates. And I have no desire to do entry level call center jobs for $7.50 per hour.
The kicker is this: My best friend has to enter the job market now too. Not hirable with a college degree. Her bachelors degree is old and out of date. Her degree is in Graphic design. They still give that degree. Wait, my major is still there too. Broadcast / Communication.
I do believe our age group expects (as should) to be paid for our experience. But with young kids coming out of school with degrees they will take anything for little money. They have student loans to pay back.
Also down here you have to get past the computer and resume weeding part of it. I love face to face interviews. You can sell yourself. And given the opportunity to piss them off by our intelligence at the same time. At least if I don't get a job in person. I don't feel slighted. Then it's just NEXT.
I hope to make my living as a photographer now. My first show is next Saturday. Wish me luck. Everything is coming together nicely. Now if I could just chill out long enough to enjoy it.
Have an awesome day!!
Boy, can I relate right now. Never before in my life have I NOT got the job I wanted. Since June, I've sent out many resumes, received 4 face to face interviews that each lasted about an hour or more, was given the impression I was perfect for the position, and then never heard back - even though I followed up with the thank you letter. One principal didn't even have the courtesy to email me back when I inquired how his selection process was going around mid-August (he was the one who slapped his hand down on the desk, said "I'm interested. Send me your references!" - my references never heard from him.)
Friends tell me it's my age and experience that is going against me. What??? Yes, they'd have to pay me at the top of the salary level but, as Carol aka beachgirl says, they can hire new grads for far less with new degrees.
So now I'll be working for myself by doing private tutoring. Not a real living...but I'm lucky I don't really "have" to make a living now. It's just extra. But what about those who DO need to earn a living? It doesn't seem right, ethical, or fair. Waddyagonnado?
Yeah, the certification thing is absurd. You can always try independent schools, where it's usually not required. And they love combos like journalist-math or science teachers.
In any case, good luck. Michigan is a tough gig all around these days, as far as the job market goes. ALthough -- how about joining a campaign staff for the 2008 election?
Independent schools usually offer Wal-Mart type wages. I may have to take you up on the offer of working on a campaign, seems Michigan is preparing for a government shutdown. The corrections officers will continue to work, while us civilian staff will take a hit.
Your fatal error was in displaying common sense and intelligence. They're not a good fit vis-a-vis rules, regulations and dealing with people who are not your equals in terms of "smarts."
I'll take a good ass kicking as long as I get to give the same in return.
But i'll never give a good ass kissing which apparently you won't do either.
Gotta respect that in a man. fuck 'em. I keep telling ya Jim your shit will work out ok in the perfect time.
He was obviously too intimidated to offer you the job. You'll probably find something better anyway.
I had my go-rounds in the teaching profession at about the time of the movie, "Grey Lady Down".
I had taken a sabbatical to Mexico and couldn't get back full time.
Said the captain in the movie,
"I feel like a one-legged man in an ass- kicking contest."
Crummy trade at the college level.
As a writer-turned teacher, I had often said, "Academics are slime."
But then my friend noted, "You are an academic!"
Bureaucracies are run by people who got there by the Peter Principle. Those folks on the panel knew you were more intelligent and better trained than they were, and they didn't like that. They want some wet-behind-the-ears graduate they can "train up".
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