TO: School Principals
FROM: Julie DeRose, Education Manager, Correctional Facilities Administration
SUBJECT: Partial State Government Shutdown
This is to confirm that in the event of a (partial) state government shutdown, it has been determined that education staff are not to report to work.
If my office receives further information or direction regarding this situation, it will be forwarded.
If a shutdown occurs, even for a brief period, scheduling for all October training, meetings, etc. will be adjusted. My office will provide notice of any necessary changes as soon as we are able to do so.
Please ensure that you share this memo with your staff.
Thank you.
I received this memorandum today. It's so nice to know that a "partial" shutdown includes teachers in the Michigan Department of Corrections. Perhaps our union, the UAW (yes, you read it correctly) will have enough members picketing the state capital tomorrow.
I hope you get to do something, because this is all just insane. Frigging politicians.
and here I thought Minnesota government was bad...we were close to a shut down, but the gov saved the day. Hang in there...
Saw the gov's speech. Back her 100%. Lame duck white guys looking for photo ops, and luv in the privy, while condemning the same want to blame, everyone but themselves. Shutdown here we come.
Enjoyed the post. Let's go fishing. MW :)
Jim, As we say, "Shut er down!!!" Let's see what happens come Monday morning. --Bro, Ron
As long as the alcohol and Native American casinos keep going, all is groovy.
In all seriousness, good luck, man. Maybe by Monday, we'll have a compromise.
So, I assume this mean shutdown without pay? If it's with pay, what the heck.
Our city government has been on strike here for nine weeks. It's ridiculous. The third largest city in Canada and nothing works.
Are the fish biting there this time of year?
Good luck (if luck actually has anything to do with it).
Hope it works out for the best for all concerned...
Thank you for sharing that memorandum with your staff, JR.
I hope they don't shut you down.
peace, love and what the hell are they thinking? Or are they?
Hey JR..use this time to write up a storm!! I will read whatever short stories you put out there, because, I must be the only one who likes them!!..lol
I'll be waiting.
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