Needless to say, no one fell on the sword and hung back.
Two speakers stood out in my mind during that conference, and for very different reasons. The first speaker, a Texas transplant and appointed official under Gov. Engler, speaking on behalf of Michigan Works, lectured us on how we needed to do a better job preparing our students for the working world. Her slick Power Point presentation illustrated various areas of concern. This woman, dressed in her fancy suit jacket and pants, didn’t have a clue about our daily battles on the job. I’d even go as far as to say she never set foot inside a prison. If it weren’t for our sense of decorum, or if there had been tomatoes on our lunch tables, I’m sure a few would’ve been launched her way.
The next speaker, Eleanor M. Josaitis, the Co-Founder of Focus: HOPE, simply thanked us. She didn’t have any fancy charts. There were no statistics to toss our way. Not even a slideshow. Just her, Eleanor Josaitis, telling us how she appreciates our effort.
She shared a personal story about trying to have milk donated to struggling mothers. There were literally thousands of gallons of milk going bad every week. Without naming names, she told us about a certain politician that looked her in the eye and said, “I’d rather see that milk dumped into the sewers than give it to the poor.” You could hear the passion in her voice. She threatened to take his statement to the media, just to show the public what a mean-spirited bastard he was.
I’m not even sure she finished her speech. Everyone (well, almost everyone—except for the political hacks) gave her a standing ovation. I’m not kidding when I say I had tears in my eyes. I, along with my peers, had this sense of renewed energy. We talked about improving humanity.
On October 15, 2007, Focus: HOPE will be co-hosting a 21st Century Detroit Career Forum with State Representative Andy Dillon. He may not have been able to deliver the necessary votes in the House to raise Michigan’s income tax, but hopefully his involvement with this organization will help some of our unemployed citizens find work.
Nice work. Just found out Mike Bishop has not assigned anyone to the phantom committee. Shutdown here we come. The anti-government right wing hacks will get their way. Sad day for Michigan. MW :)
Mike Bishop is also claiming that State Workers and Teachers have been threatening him. Let's see--I'm a state worker, I'm a teacher--I hope he's not accusing me, if so, I might have to kick his ass.
Just kidding.
Jim, Focus Hope is a great cause. I've supported Focus Hope and I continue to volunteer for them. As for the MI politicians in this state, well let's see how the State tries to run being shut down! --Bro, Ron
I don't understand the thinking behind letting commodities like milk going to waste but when politics gets in the way of helping people in need, something's gotta give.
By the way, I watched Kid Nation, too, and thought of Golding's classic. I love Lord of the Flies.
I once read a lecture Golding gave on how that piece depicts mankind and the way worldview affects our actions. Those who believe we will be held accountable, live one way. Those who say, "This is it. We can make our own rules and live as we please" live another way. It's a great story expecially when reality hits as "accountability" lands on the beach.
Fat John was the politician and he'd turn that milk into tubs of Ice Cream before giving it to the needy, that fat ass motherfucker would then spend his days eating it in front of his ruin Michigan and then leave for Maryland ass.
jr. need some help I really don't care who it is relative to my yesterdays post.
stay working, no government shut down you Lansing fucking boobs.
Hello JR. I do not have much to comment accept that I was on a managers conference a few weeks back and all the speakers bored me to death... I have a lot of catching up to do... but Im back...
I cannot imagine someone in public office making that statement! When I was teaching at a business college for women on welfare, I used to get day-old bakery items (bread, muffins, Danishes, loafs, etc.) delivered to my house. I's load them in the trunk and back seat and take them in to the school the next morning. The women were so appreciative and nothing went to waste.
Leslie ,as far as i know there never has been a Canadian politician as heartless as Fat John Engler
lol..JR, I think you are great with your thoughts, however, if I spoke as freely as you do about your place of work, I would have been fired. Oh, that's right, I almost was!!
Keep at it, someone needs to stand up to what is right.
You know how I feel about the fat bastard.
Remember when he first got elected? One of his promises wes term limits. Then when a third term seemed feasable, he suddenly was against the idea. Change the rules in the middle of a game. Waste, instead of soothing the want that surrounds us. Let the poor stay poor since somebody has to work if the rich want the day off. Let mothers and children alike starve.
What a crock of shit his soul was.
Hope things are going well for you--remember, about my last post, Al Gore crapped out on the dice roll that brought ElBusho to the seat of power. That wasn't me! Moajority rules except that the majority can't pick a ruler.
rulers pick themselves in this country.
When my dad lost his job in the late 80's and we were nearly starving and homeless, Focus Hope gave us food and clothes. I'll never forget the kindness of others.
i guess some of the leaders' philosophy is "i've got mine, so.... i've got mine." it's really sad about the attitudes of some people. i know you're physically doing a lot JR, but you're also doing a great work here in letting your voice be heard thru your blog. i commend you. thanx.
I will go have a peeke at Lake Huron... poke? Peek. Peep. Yeah, and isn't Whitney genuis. Until today there was a faked-up "crack is whack" Whitney Houston/Bobby Brown-Diane Sawyer interview on my sidebar... it's now gone to my celeb blog so have a look 4it there...
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