Tuesday, July 4, 2006


Even though the weatherman said chance of rain yesterday, I went canoeing. There’s something about putting paddle to water and gliding along that has a calming affect on me. I forgot about the "to do" list at home, all the incidentals I promised to get done before my week of vacation is over. The wood deck and wood fence aren’t getting cleaned and stained; The wood trim on the house isn’t getting painted; The new screen doors, which I purchased last summer, are still propped against the garage wall begging to be installed. By gently stirring the water and causing movement, I am able to enjoy the moment.

Reflecting back, I feel a slight tinge of guilt for not checking at least one item off that dreaded list. Not that it should matter. As soon as an item is scratched, some new chore comes up and has to be prioritized. Trips to Home Depot—I like to call them $100 errands—remind me of other projects that fell by the wayside. The real trick is not getting overwhelmed, not shutting down and doing nothing at all. In a civilized society there are responsibilities that can’t be ignored, that simply need to be accomplished.

Today is the Fourth of July, need I remind you. Last night the neighbors lit M-80’s and Roman Candles from our street. I know that when I get today’s newspaper I’ll pick-up sulfur smelling paper shrapnel and burnt wicks off my driveway. Tonight will be no different, they’ll make an extra trip to a fireworks tent or purchase more illegal explosives from the back of someone’s rented U-Haul. As you can tell, I’m not into the whole loud banging euphoria of patriotic bliss. I’d rather spend my time quietly gliding down a river. Unfortunately, while paddling along, some father along the shoreline allowed his son the pleasure of throwing a few firecrackers into the air. Peace can only last so long, until the reality of the day hits us hard.


Anonymous said...

Nice story. great way to relax minus the fire crackers. Have a happy 4th. MW

Cheri said...

I was just up north and canoed my little heart out. The rivers up there are so clean and clear and shit-free, it was lovely. Have a good 4th Jim!

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Jim,

Love the happenin' photo and the whole post. Excellent points, well-written.

In the Gore Vidal-Truman Capote war, I actually like both of them; as people, I prefer Vidal. And you're right: he produced a lot more than Capote, including, as you mentioned on Michellespells, fine books of essays (plus Palimpsest.) Plenty of room for everyone! The best thing to do vs. enemies is outlive them :->


Michelle's Spell said...

Love the idea of a canoe more than the reality, but I can appreciate getting away from the endless list of things begging to be done. As for Home Depot, I haven't stepped into one since my dad died -- it was his absolute favorite place on the planet! And Gore is cool, no question, and not nearly as drug-addicted as poor Truman. I just liked Truman more because of his fiction -- when he was on, he was amazing. Self-absorbed? Yes. Crazy? Also yes. But dreamy good in his beautiful youth!

Anonymous said...

We took a short ride on Thumb Lake today in a very little 1954 fishing boat--It was really lovely and quiet for the most part.

ZZZZZZZ said...

Oh my gosh that picture is CRAZY! hehe. I went canoeing with my friend kristin when we went to visit her uncle in maine... the tide went down and we got stuck in the little bay that opened into the Atlantic. we had to drag the canoe back and we had mud up to our thighs!!! It was fun though. I have a picture!! too bad my pictures don't seem to want to work. Great post today jim I enjoyed reading it.

R's Musings said...

Hey Jim,
I hate "to do" lists, even if they're practical. Canoeing sounds a hell of a lot better to me! Cool photo! --R

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. thnx!