Today’s picture isn’t a cut and paste job, instead, it’s created from one of those standard computer programs where you insert your face onto Mount Rushmore or over a famous athlete or astronaut, or in this case, an entire photo supplanted into an old newspaper article.
I chose the Hindenburg. And why not? I’ve never been one to be politically correct or to shy away from controversy, and it seems to me that by using this tragic event, I’m supposed to write something funny. But when is it ever okay to write a comedic piece based on an actual real life catastrophe? The Twin Towers? I think not. Hurricane Katrina? Maybe. Is there a standard amount of time, like when you drop a piece of barbecued chicken on the floor (ten-second rule)? Or how about the recently widowed—when is it okay for them to move on, seek out the companionship of others, date, marry, and … well?—you know.
My take on it is that if the tragedy is personal, something you’ve experienced, then you own it and can do whatever you’d like with it, whenever you feel comfortable. (You may still offend someone, but that’s the risk you take.) Seems therapeutic to me.
"But this doesn’t explain the Hindenburg?" You ask.
No, it doesn’t. I’m not connected to this historical event in any way, shape or form. In this case, I’m guessing that it’s far enough removed from the living so as not to offend anyone. Also, natural disasters and accidents seem much more tolerable than terrorist acts. And I’m not into making fun at the expense of others, no sirree, no smudged newspaper ink here.
I think Jack Kevorkian can be, and deserves to be, satirized to hell. And if he rots to death in jail, I will laugh like hell. I hope he's killed his last person.
Like the post & photo, Jim. In posting of my tragic youth, I hope to show that we can overcome anything, learn from everything in life, so that in the end, it's not tragic at all, just another chapter in the story, but hopefully a success story!
My brother told me, by the way, that his first motorcycle was a Suzuki JR50, 3speed auto., and his second one was a Yamaha YZ(I forgot?), 5speed manual. My aunt rode that one over the stone wall separating our yard from the neighbor's--too bad we didn't get it on tape, for Am. Funniest Videos!
Yikes, Mr. Anonymous. Seems that maybe Jack had a negative impact on you, and if so, by God, crack a joke or two. By the way, I don't work at the Thumb Correctional Facility in Lapeer. Is he still there? Or did they move him where his health care needs can be better served? (No electric chair intended.)
Yes, Robin, we certainly can learn from the tragedies we encounter. As I've said before, the best learning takes place through pain. On another note, I can't picture what a Suzuki JR50 looks like, and your aunt's Evel Kneivel stunt must've been hilarious (even if she had to recover from an injury). --Jim
Yep buddy you bombed the last one.
Personally, I thought it to be funny. It's not easy being green picked it up immediately. As I get older my trigger finger is less effective. Still, all that was said." Whose too sexy for his shirt.?" LOL MW
To quote the great Woody Allen, Comedy is tragedy plus time or I stub my toe, it's a tragedy, you break your leg, it's a comedy. I think WA sums it up! Love the picture!
Ah yes, tragedy if your feeling it, comedy if you're thinking about it. Love the Hindenberg paper shot! We can joke about the Titanic because no one's left. Someday people may even joke about the Twin Towers, though it won't be us, I'm guessing. Critical distance or gallows humor both help. Cheers, Erik (Hogan's Heroes? Who would've thought a prison camp could be made into a situation comedy?)
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