I’ve tried to catch him, placing banana peppers, cut apples, and sliced watermelon in a trap, but he’s too smart, I might as well be chasing shadows. Instead, I’ll end up with a wayward squirrel or, as you can see from the picture, a baby possum. With my luck, I’m bound to catch a skunk next. Of course, since my wife’s always been a big fan of James Herriot, I’m not allowed to kill any of these critters. Catch and relocate is my modus operandi. I know that if I trap a skunk there’s no way I’d kill it on account of it releasing its glandular concoction one last time.
As for the possum, his mother was probably close by, so I let him go on the spot. Plus I’m more concerned about trapping that damned woodchuck. Eventually he’ll slip up. I have all summer.
Great pic. Becareful of the possum. A friend of mine picked one up by the tail thinking it was dead. When he threw it it latched on to his forearm. 12 stiches later and number of rabies shots and he can't even look at them without post traumatic syndrome. Garden looks great. Wait till you catch a skunk! MW
That's a great picture. What's with the gardening, though? Man, that's work! I killed my last plant, an ivy in a teacup. I'm so thrilled to be free of it.
Jim, cool picture, indeed. I can relate to this post -- used to live in the country when married and besides, even Macomb has raccoons crawling around F Building from time to time. Good luck! My sole greenery at present is a very cool, if strange night blooming cereus with a long history. Cheers!
My wife's a master gardener; I'll do the heavy labor stuff such as digging--no weeding though (unless I have a bad day at work and don't feel much like talking).
I hear ya, Jim; weeding can be a wonderful way to unwind after a stressful day. Hope your critter problem improves and that you & your wife are able to sit back & enjoy your garden! My husband & I sit on our front porch (city dwellers, dreaming of a little plot of land somewhere far, far away!) every chance we get, he w/his crossword puzzles and me w/a book or my journal & pen. The simple moments are the best! At the fifteen year marker, we look forward to sitting on the porch together another forty or more, if possible! --R
cool picture. Good luck with the woodchuck. be careful of racoons! my brother saw one and he threw a rock at it to make it go away and shortly after it came back with 4 of his buddies! hehe great post today.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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