The Cure's Prayer Tour 1989 (Lovesong)
However far away / I will always love you
However long I stay / I will always love you
Whatever words I say / I will always love you
When Bill Davidson broke ground on The Palace of Auburn Hills, my boss DW, of DW Properties, brokered a deal among several business owners to lease a suite. The way it worked: DW Properties would manage and distribute the tickets for basketball games, concerts, and miscellaneous events in exchange for one share at a considerably reduced cost. Talk about the art of the deal.
As soon as The Palace opened its doors, DW—with his old school charm and history of hiring young, inexperienced secretaries for a little extracurricular activity (he made Warren Beatty look like an amateur)—convinced the concierge to come work for him. If this were any indication of past hiring practices, the suite holders would be storming the fort demanding changes.
Here is a perfect example of my experience with a DW Properties’ secretary: “Excuse me, sir,” a Barbie-doll-like secretary said, directing me toward the Fax machine, “It must be broke or something.” I checked it out. Everything appeared to be in working order. “But the document’s still here,” she stated, somewhat puzzled.
When the concierge left her Palace job and set-up camp in the offices of DW Properties, I gave her my standard nobody’s special around here greeting, “Who the hell are you?”
Instead of eliciting a warm bubbly smile, this one lashed back. “And just who the hell are YOU?”
Even though we were the same age, we definitely did not hit it off. Not that it mattered. I soon discovered that this secretary was different from the others. She actually had a head on her shoulders. She kept The Palace suite holders happy—distributing tickets, handling complaints, and billing each in a timely fashion. As for our working relationship, I would plunk box after box of old invoices on her desk week after week, and she would input the information into her computer and shred the documents. After saving that last box of invoices to her computer, I complemented her on a job well done. Then I made an unusual request, “I want you to delete all the invoice files on your computer.” She looked at me incredulously. “If you won’t, I will.”
She soon learned that DW had enemies everywhere, even in his own camp. Not long after that, I asked her if she would be interested in having lunch with me.
Six months later, DW noticed his secretary wearing a concert t-shirt. “You should’ve told me you were interested in the Cure, I could’ve gotten you in for free,” he said.
Little did he know, not only did he pay for her concert ticket and t-shirt, he paid for mine as well, plus food and drinks. We started going to all sorts of events, compliments of DW Properties.
Next week that secretary and I will be celebrating our 14th Wedding Anniversary.
Great story...and Happy Anniversary
I love the stories of "how I met her/him." It gives me hope!
Great story and Happy Anniversary.
MW :)
You found a good one, I'd say. I think men actually like a woman who'll stand up to him and give him a bit of a challenge. The art for the woman is make the man think he always wins. ;D
That *was* a great story. Thanks for the comment--I'll have to start reading your blog again. I thought it had ended or something--what happened?
Ha...! You met your match.
Good for her :-)
Happy anniversary to you both.
That's a great story.
Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations on 14 years! I will be halfway there in December. I think it's cool you guys got all those good free dates.
and I have an award for you, by the way.
I saw the Cure at the Palace, twice now.
Great story; you never know when love is going to take center stage with full force.
Always glad for hot secretaries.
That is a great story and makes me long to hear The Cure on the radio but sadly can't -- long story.
By the way, I tagged you, give the meme a try!
Hey Jim, great story, indeed. Where is this entrepreneur dude now?
Happy Anniversary, man!
Happy Anniversary, JR, and many more to come! This weekend we logged 36 years.
congrats brother.
That is wonderful.
My son and I were talking a few days ago about how it is funny how in some of the best relationships of your life, you get off to a rough start.
Happy Anniversary!
I can think of worse ways to start a relationship and not many better first dates, especially on someone else's dime.
may the spirit of peace and love continue working in this marriage.
have a wonderful anniversary.
and uhhhhh...leslie we ain't that stupid we know you women folk make us think we win but we always judge by the results who the winner really is and after awhile we just don't argue it out anymore, shut up do what were told and move on to the next thing. Peace
Fantastic story! I haven't checked your blog for a while. I'm glad to see that you're back.
Jim, There was no hanky panky between your wife and the infamous DW???? :) --Bro, Ron
Jim, Nice photo of the Cure. I have a CD of the Cure - Staring at the Sea. Great songs. Hey, did you have your significant other delete the invoices??
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