The first responder to my blog (excluding the people I know outside of cyberspace) said something simple, nice, short and to the point: “I like your blog.” Filled with the enthusiasm of a novice blogger, I went to her site and learned about her ongoing battle with depression, her husband’s suicide, her recent mastectomy, and her preteen daughter’s somewhat rebellious behavior.
I think I responded once or twice—probably not giving it as much thought as needed—and she, in turn, decided not to reciprocate. I’m not sure why she felt the need to visit me in the first place, or why she even commented. Could it have been the second stage melanoma scare I had talked about? Or the Relay for Life fund-raiser I participated in? For some reason, on that particular night, she must have felt a sense of hope, a tinge of Perhaps he’ll understand. Or maybe she needed to lose herself in someone else’s problems, even if for only a moment. If she had in fact returned to my blog, I’m most certain her impression changed—my life, she may have thought, is tragically comfortable, my problems pale in comparison. And I'd have to agree.
There are other bloggers I’ve lost touch with; some of whom I may have driven away with my comments, posts, or You Tube vignettes. Some bloggers probably used my URL switch as a reason not to come back; what better method is there to cut someone loose. With that said, this is my 400th Post.
Jim, Your 400th blog post and 22,000+ hits since May 2006 is pretty good since you have kept going. Thought we might have lost reading your posts but you continue on to keep going. Your switch threw me off for a short while but I caught on. Keep charging away!!!!!! --Bro, Ron
I am so happy you continued to write in your blog. I remember when I first happened on your blog..I believe I had hit the "next blog" button and there you were. I remember you were talking about your job and I thought to myself...I think this is a blog I can continue to read.
Some you can't, you know? I get bored with the content or can't relate. Even though I'm not always able to relate to what you talk about, your writings become an experience to which I enjoy being a part of. Your blog is probably the one blog that I recommend the most for other bloggers to come and try out. I wish you well and I am still hoping you get a book deal and make half a zillion with a really good series of words put together in the way only you are able to.
Blessings always,
Happy 400th! That's weird because I was thinking about that today. Not your 400th post, but blog people that you drift away from. By the way, where is the whatever that tells you how many posts you have? And I bet you are not surprised that I had to ask.
I certainly am glad you were talking about your posts and not your birthdays because then I might have felt some regret at some of the things I said to such an old man.
But now that I got it straight, cool 400; only a hundred more to a half a thousand. Some people do go away and stay away but then there are always the others (moi?) who keep coming back to torture your sensibilities for want of anything better to do.
One of the best damn blogs out there Jim, just keep on putting down whats up .
Some of us were just too slow to realize that you switched URLs hahaha.... And then went back and caught up when we did figure it out. =D
I'm glad that we all got into this blogging experience. I've learned so much about your life, you about mine, us about others, by reading what each has put into the "confessional box." It's a private meeting of people, to which anyone is welcome, and we share things that we might or might not tell otherwise. It's free will that brings people back. Some people just forget. Others don't like it and that's fine also.
I like your blog - and I keep coming back!
Congratulations on your 400th post.
And I LOVE that picture!
Well, in word count anyway, it's a Russian novel.
You sure have the characters.
I like your blog.
I'm hoping you didn't copy and paste your comment. For some reason, I think I've heard it before.
Congrats, Jim. It's been a trip, eh? The early angst about numbers, what to post, what next, Tygress Twin, Istanbulwitchy, shifts and surprises . . . it's a process, it's an act, it's existential, it's syngergistic, and it's some kind of real. Onward . . .
Congrats on your 400th. Enjoy reading your blog. MW
400th post-Congrats!
Wow, 400th post! I haven't reached 100th yet, close though. Haha, you also have this rather refreshing dry sense of humor that shows through your writing...look forward to all your 400+th's posts =)
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