I’ve had inmates, the type who’ve made an art form out of procrastination, tell me they can do the rest of their time standing on their head, and that’s all fine and dandy—if you’re easily mesmerized by grains of sand sifting through an hourglass. I have a name for people like them: Clock Watchers.
Regardless of the environment, I’d rather build a sand castle, even if I have to do it one grain at a time, even if others claim I’m in my own personal prison called “marriage.” I’ve tried to explain the difference between imprisonment and personal commitment to no avail. “At least commit to something,” I advise.
If they listened—truly, truly listened—they’d work in tandem, emptying pockets full of sand onto the prison yard, physically escaping the loneliness of the Clock Watchers, working toward a common goal, instead of traveling through the same tunnel vision of others. But then again, that would involve risk.
Fourteen years later, my marriage, and my sand castle continue to change, and I am the better for it.
Great photo. =D
Enjoyed the read. Glad to see you both being happy and together. Like you I believe it takes committment from both partners. Not always so easy with all of lifes' distractions. Nice pic. I sure you both don't feel any older? MW :)
What a wonderful view of marriage. Congratulations on fourteen years of building sand castles - together.
Been reading here tonight. Great Youtube of you teaching. That looks surprisingly like me in front of the greenboard of my English classroom in the 80s. Great picture of you and broRon, and this is a great thought on commitment.
Thought of you yesterday when I was at the Tiger game. They won last when I was there but lost just a minute ago tonight.
Congrats, Jim! Excellent post. Excellent photo, too.
JR, what a gorgeous picture. Your wife looks very cute. You make a nice couple.
Everything in life is always changing. Nothing is static. Static is boring. Boring is the kiss of death. Change keeps things alive.
congrats on 14 years. just celebrated two years of my own sandcastle by finding ourselves a brickcastle to call home for a while. sure don't feel like prison to me.
Congratulations on 14 years, it will be 12 for us!
I really, really liked this post.
And, as always, great picture.
Congratulations on your anniversary. May you have 14 more years and beyond.... Committment of your kind to each other affords one to have security and love and acceptance and all the finer things in life.
We stopped counting after 20 some odd years but congratulations Jim and Mrs. Jim.
If they listened—truly, truly listened—they’d work in tandem, emptying pockets full of sand onto the prison yard, physically escaping the loneliness of the Clock Watchers, working toward a common goal, instead of traveling through the same tunnel vision of others. But then again, that would involve risk.
Haven't you ever seen the movie "The Great Escape." lol
Peace and another 42 or so to go with the 14 already on record.
TWM: shawshank redemption came to mind.
I'm glad I checked in with you today man.
TWM. They had an actual great escape attempt at the Kinross Corectional Facility and had they ever broke the ground above they would have discovered that they were 18'' beyond 3 constatine barbwire fences. Basically, they were free. Free to run the woods of the UP. The most enterprising thing was what they did with the sand. Said too much already. Maybe JR will care enough to elaborate? JR enjoyed the post and comments. MW:)
Actually, are we talking "sand" or "dirt," Dirt Man?
Sand. Not the kind that gets dropped in your eyes to make you go to sleep. However, I'm sure they wish a certain officer had been visited by the sandman. So close, but yet so far! MW;)
Congratulations, grainy or fine.
"The Shawshank Redemption," in my opinion, is SK's best work.
Pawlie Kokonuts,
Yes, very very grainy. How else could I get the wifey to agree on posting her picture? This is the best so far.
Jim, Congrats on your wedding anniversary and making it this far. Your eyes show a glow in the photo. A first photo of your wife on your blog, although it's a side shot. Now I know who the Dirt Man is. --Bro, Ron
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