The main objective of the Michigan Department of Corrections is to protect the public. The easiest way to do this is quite simple: LOCK'EM UP. However, this is usually a temporary solution. I've seen fly-by-night programs such as RSAT, Resident Substance Abuse Treatment (yeah--not convict, not prisoner, not inmate--but resident, like we're servicing tenants) offer their services. In my opinion, it didn't work.
Now we have MPRI, the Michigan Prisoner Release Initiative. Anything to help in the transition from prison to freedom. Anything to help Michigan's sluggish economy. So what happened with my former classroom tutor, David Allen Rider? He's still on OTIS (The Offender Tracking Information System); mugshot and offenses are listed . He's obviously a sex offender. Why didn't the Michigan Public Sex Offender Registry include his photograph ? They listed his bogus address as Community Programs Inc., 1435 N. Oakland Blvd., Waterford, MI 48327.
Unfortunately, we now know that his real living quarters was his car, and that he was allegedly looking for his next ride. See the Oakland Press for more details.
I'm totally disgusted. I can only hope that the victim and the victim's family are able to recover from such a traumatic event.
I read this news story late last night and wanted to use it in my poem, but it was too overwhelming at the moment.
Child molesters in general always get off too easy. It's like the system was made by them.
Man, don't tell me it was!
How's the rockband?
Do you mean Mock Band? Or Rock Bass?
Gotta check in, five a.m.'s around the corner.
Night, Jim
Alertness is probably something you value highly there.
I guess either one is appropriate.
rock bass or a mock bad
Both are fun in their own
respective ways.
I kind of keep a look on OTIS every once in awhile but there are so many registered offenders in my zip code that there is no way to make it a useful tool unless you know the name and location of every street.
With all of these assaults how did this guy get parole, one friend of mine did his entire minimum (18 years) on his first offense and was denied parole so many times he quit going to the parole hearings.
How does a 5 year old recover from this? In most cases my guess she probably won't and her personality will incorporate it as she gets older with the complete distrust of most men as she gets older.
This is just one of the reasons why you drive through most Detroit neighborhoods and see security bars on the windows and steel storm doors in front of either solid oak or steel doors on every house in Detroit.
All pedophiles should be castrated or killed.
Omg omg omg.. it's a sick world. *sigh*
I still can't get over how much of a dead-ringer you are for old Ivan here--right down to the knee-length shorts.
Slavs and Celts are about 50,OOO years removed, yet there is this uncanny resemblance, right down to a T shirt.
Heaven forbid it whould be my wild days of nightclubbing in Detroit.
I swear one day you're going to come right to my front door and punch me in the mouth.
"Where you been, MoFo" :)
castrating them would be good...Like that idea
Sad post. Chemical castration is too kind. Life of hard labor breaking big rocks into small rocks for the rest of his life since they will most likely throw the book at him. Seems that is what he wants anyway but make him pay in labor. We can always sell the rocks as "prisoner made rocks"
and people will line up outside for them. Much like the murderers who get fan mail, and rapists who sell their art. Turn the bastard into a profit making donkey. He HA. MW :) Thanks for sharing,JR.
Pray, everybody, pray.....
a baby, sacrificed to the system....
"I'm totally disgusted."
And so saddened.....
Who the h*ll makes these decisions? In BC, when a sex offender is released, his pictures is plastered all over the 6:00 news. He's not welcome anywhere.
It's really heartbreaking to see this happening there, and that poor little girl. Let me have five minutes alone in a room with him. If anyone did anything like to either of my Munchkins, I think I would personally "fix" for life.
That is both terribly sad and extremely horrible. You KNEW this guy?
This guy was a classroom tutor of mine. I'm totally disgusted. I hope he doesn't come back to my facility.
Jim, I would hang the MF! --Bro, Ron
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