Now that our salaries have been posted on an internet website, animosity has reared its ugly head. Earlier this week, a corrections officer yelled down the convict-filled hallway, "You're the highest paid teacher here," and for emphasis, "I'm going to print out your salary for everyone to see."
For the record, none of this was directed toward yours truly. I'm not number one; I'm a distant third.
How soon some folks forget. I, along with my fellow teachers, participated in an informational picket with our union brothers and sisters from custody staff. This was our way of reminding the public of our Michigan legislators' clever way of obtaining thirty-four percent pay increases while we defered four hours of pay every two weeks.
So what's next?
"Can you check on Inmate Franklin's whereabouts for me?"
"You make the big bucks, find him yourself."
This isn't good for everyone involved. Someone could get hurt ... or killed. Why can't we go undercover? Not every state employee's salary is listed by name. Here's the explanation: To protect law enforcement officers whose jobs require them to work undercover, the officers' names are not included in cases where identifying the employee as a law enforcement officer could put them in harm's way. I guess working in a prison doesn't count for being in "harms way."
I am a member of the BC Government Employees' Union. A couple of years ago our union negotiated a wage decrease of 4.06%, while the MLAs (Members of the Legislative Assembly) voted themselves a 29% pay increase. The good thing is, we can vote them out.
What the heck do you do with all the fish you catch? :-)
I'm sure this will annoy you, as all bloggers are easily annoyed, but WHY DO YOU work in the prison system? If you have answered this before you can just direct me to that post.
I believe the following post will help explain how I "ended up in prison":
I really enjoyed writing that piece. Ironically, I only received one comment. Another reason why I teach in prison is fairly obvious: It pays the bills.
Cheer up, JR.
I found in college teaching that career academics are largely intelligent thugs who carry knives this long.
Dr. Laurence Peter (of the Peter Principle) used to say that the competition is so high because the stakes are so low.
But then at a hundred grand a year (tenured prof), maybe they aren't so low after all.
On balance, I was offered tenure if I would teach at Moose Factory, Ontario.
Moose Factory? Do you know where that place is?
Very likely, Bullwinkle is already familiar with existential philosophy, something I once had to teach.
He's now a wall ornament at Montana's steak house.
Takes a long time to learn about survival of the fittingnest.
...Should read "survival of the fittingest."
Keep them bass pictures coming because it is a bass fishing time of year. The big mouth bass needs to lose the b to appropriately describe him. Nice pic. MW
Well, that sucks! Whose business is it anyway?
Sweet Bass! Thanks for stopping over and checking out my attempt to "Save My Michigan". There is absolutely no good that came out of publishing the names with the information. You know U of M is next, right?
I have a feeling you've had this happen to you before, but it's new to me. I promise not to do it again but...
You've been tagged!
Some of your readers have already been tagged so good luck. I guess I'm supposed to direct you to my blog (The "tagged" post is below the one you read today) and then your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read the "rules" and write 8 random things about yourself. :)
Nice big bass!!! When we coming over for dinner?? --Bro, Ron
reminds me of Fanshen, communist China - everyone had to account for their wealth, and then be equalized.
btw, my wife recently helped initiate a literacy training program for prisons in ghana, until now if they go in illiterate, they come out that way too. hopefully that situation will change.
It sucks to be rich sometimes, eh? ;p
Great catch! Hope you are having a good weekend, JR!
You know I live in the same state as you do and I'll tell you the truth i don't give a rat's ass what you make because whatever it is it isn't enough. All "civil servants" make less than what those on the outside make doing the same job, I made more money at my PT job than I did on my full time job with the city, and the legislature to a man and woman can all go fuck themselves because they are only there to get their sought in the fucking public trough!
IVAN I know I know where Moose Factory is...right across the channel from Moosenee....I've been there you should have gone, the Cree were pretty friendly and it only cost $28 (c) to have your car shipped up there on the train.
Snout not sought
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