Monday, November 23, 2009


Maybe it’s too early, or too depressing, or whatever. I see the anguish in their faces.

“You’re killing us,” one of my tutors says. They sit in a “tutors only” area, near the GED books, answer keys, and locked storage closet. They seldom lift their asses from their cushy chairs for fear of the students swapping out their hard chairs.

I console them. “It’s only for two days.” They are not happy about the situation. “Besides,” I continue, “maybe I can flush you out of the pocket like a Detroit Lions quarterback.” This is my indirect way of suggesting they work the classroom floor to see if anyone needs help on their assignments.

“You got to be kidding,” the other tutor says. “I’ve been sacked one time too many.” He has a valid point; in here, if you try to help someone and it doesn’t go well, fingers get pointed and accusations fly. “He’s the son-of-bitch told me to do it that way,” a student might tell me.

“Today and tomorrow,” I remind them. They’re worried about the month of December.

A student joins the revolt. He enters the “tutors only” section. He’s mad as hell. He’s rattling the door handle to the storage closet.

“I’m not changing the radio station,” I respond.

“Anything but Christmas music. Anything. Even if it’s country.”


A female sings, “I’ll be home for Christmas, you can count on me,” and ends on a high note, “if only in my dreams.”

**I’d like to thank former prison educator Mr. Woodman for donating his boom-box. Also, our deepest apologies for not having a going away party for you.


wallace woodman said...

I am so happy that my contribution has brought so much joy to your classroom. Maybe you could get your students to memorize some of the words and you can go carrolling. I'll bet the entire building would appreciate it. If they hold out, maybe they will begin to feel the spirit of the season. Don't sweat the going away party. There was one offer, but it didn't quite seem sincere. The leaving was reward enough. To quote Kid Rock,"you get what you put in, and people get what they deserve". Someday the midgets will get what they deserve, when the fifth reich is done with her perhaps.

Four Dinners said...

I freely admit I am soooo pissed I can nolonger read owt...I will return 2 morro when I can

That was bloody good voddy

the walking man said...

You do know that the Christmas music just may exacerbate and prolong the insanity.

Ha ha ha "even if it's country" ha ha ha Kinda makes me wonder if your plan is to want them to be in their cells rather than the classroom at the moment.

Beth said...

My son's putting out his resume for tutoring jobs - I won't recommend he tries any local prisons...

Charles Gramlich said...

I can kinda understand the Christmas music thing.

jodi said...

All right you Scroogies! A little Christmas music won't kill y'all. JR, how come you look so forlorn in the pic? You are breakin' my heart!

ivan said...

What you need is for Fidel Castro to send you some Anti-Santa comic books. It will bring up reading skills and maybe provide a catharsis.

eric1313 said...

No christmas music in my DJ booth (at least while I'm in it).

Got "Jungle Boogie" going right now. I have to say, at least the young ones coming up now are into some good music. That means Mtv is starting to loose the control they once held over the fragile little minds of our youth. Got "Let's get it on" ready for last call... :)

Glad to drop by. Keep on keeping on, Jim.

Erik Donald France said...

Oh. man, tutoring the Tudors. Scary business.