Wednesday, November 18, 2009


There seems to be confusion regarding PPD’s (Personal Protection Devices)—that’s how the meeting starts; As if those of us on the front line of the battlefield, those of us who spend a majority of our workday with prisoners, haven’t a clue about when to use them. What’s your perception of the PPD? When should it be used?

There’s been a rash of fights/assaults at our facility, and now someone wants to play Monday morning quarterback; wants to review the tapes and tell us—strike that—wants to “imply” what we’re doing wrong. The meeting room falls silent; no one is willing to step up to the plate and offer an interpretation. And why should they? To be gutted and filleted like some young fish?

You CAN USE your PPD when two inmates start fighting. IN FACT, we encourage you to do so.

I’m holding back my opinion on this; there’s no sense in stirring up controversy. It’s a “no-win” situation.

During the forced discussion, I decide to interject some humor. “The last fighting incident in my classroom,” I say, pausing for emphasis, “… at least they waited until after everyone finished testing.”

A few chuckles, nothing more. I did not use my PPD during this incident. I honestly didn’t feel it to be necessary; I wasn’t in harms way.

Later in the afternoon, I approach two corrections officers. I say, “Look, if I pull my PPD, it’s for me, I’m getting hurt, okay?”

They understand the message and reassure me that they’ll come running; I’ve made it personal.


Four Dinners said...

I can only say I'm full of admiration for the work you do.

If I'm honest I'd shoot them without a moments hesitation. I wouldn't care what their problems may be.

Looking after me would be top of the list.

Probably just as well I'm not a prison officer or whatever.

You be careful out there old bean.

Lana Gramlich said...

I had to wear a PPD when I worked at 7-Eleven years ago. Unfortunately my heaving gazongas set it off one night...that was enough for me. We have them where I work at the library now, too, but I don't really expect to ever use them there...although you never know.
Just keep yours close!

Rick said...

Yes, be careful, JR. These types of situation are always easier to "interpret" afterward and damned difficult to figure out when you're in the middle of them.

the walking man said...

I have great faith in you Jim, you know when to not push the button that escalates their problem into yours.

Charles Gramlich said...

Best to be Switzerland during such incidents I should guess.

jodi said...

JR-God, I could never handle what you do. I would just throw 'em my purse and run off like a girl. Please stay safe.

wallace woodman said...

I really appreciate the level of C.Y.A. in your orgaization. Often what is not said is more important that what is said. I am with you, I wouldn't pull the pin unless it was my ars on the line. I can see the speed of the response being in direct correllation with who is being rescued. Let the convicts fight, when they are too tired to fight back then take them away. But at least now when you do some thing "wrong" you have been properly trained and conseled and can be held directly responsible. Isn't that what it is all about any way, who can be blamed? Did the A.P. get a chance to pull his pin? I guess I shouldn't say that. Oops too late. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I just wish we could pull the pin and throw it. Save the Michigan taxpayers much bucks. Enjoyed the read. MW

JR's Thumbprints said...

I wonder how many pins were pulled when they took nine prisoners to segregation for fighting outside the school building today? Hmmmm.

I kind of like that grenade theory.

Anonymous said...

I'd throw in numerous pins and hope they still have some sense knocked in them. Enjoyed the article. Bro, --Ron

wallace woodman said...

They must really miss me at good ole mrf. They have really been going crazy since my departure. Maybe I'll come back and settle things down a little bit. On second I'm good right here. Keep your head down and keep moving forward. Or at least sideways, never backwards.

wallace woodman said...

Tell the dirt man to make sure he always keeps at least one shovel handy for his own protection. Make sure if someone gets hit with a garden tool, it is not him.

David Cranmer said...

I am also in admiration of what you do. I began as an MP in the Army and after my stint considered your line of work. Reading your blog I'm not sure I have the intestinal fortitude.

Erik Donald France said...

I have no idea what a PPD looks like. So, maybe there's a wiki article about them.

Another great vignette -- one gets the gist.

Erik Donald France said...

Are all PPDs Tasers or Taser-like?

Anonymous said...

EDF, they look like old garage door openers with a metal capped pin at the top tied to a string.
In theory, if we are being attacked, we pull the pin and the device transmits a signal in the building we are working which then alerts our control center that a staff person is in distress. They in turn radio officers who immediately come to the building. WW, The dirt man understatnds. MW

ivan said...

In a simiar situation, I think I needed my PPD's at the time.

Forced to teach academic upgrading to Welfare sweathogs, someone thought my performance must have sucked, for he went right out and used the word.
Coming from much he same backround as his until I smartened up, I shot back, "Don't talk with your mouth full.

My department head hearing of it, said I should have relied on my PPD's insted of my verbal resources, which, I must admit was sort of low-rent.

Ah well. Nothing like graduating from the School of Repartee. Class. :)

Erik Donald France said...

MW, I get it now. Thanks for explaining. Sort of like those ads showing an ex-boyfriend breaking into a woman's house, and alarms go off, and a reassuring dude calls her to say help is on the way. Got it. Hope it works on the job. On Star for prison educators.

Julie said...

I would definitely run away and cry. Dang, JR. Please be careful. Of course, that's a dumb thing to say, because I know you are.

Law Library Lady said...

Hey Trouble JR and Woodman! I think I need to pull my pin tomorrow.