Monday, November 2, 2009


It’s etched in stone, signed by the powers that be, (been that way since October 5th): Prisoners are no longer allowed to “sign off” and not attend their call-outs. So I held my own, students came to class sick—runny noses, coughing up mucus—rolls of toilet paper torn and wadded up, honking into tissue then discarding inside computer hutches and bookshelves, on top of desks and of course the ever-popular floor. Swine flu? No reported case, not in prison; kind of like: no one ever dies in here—you might exit in a body bag but you’ll be handcuffed to prevent an escape.

Naturally, when your freedom is taken and you’re forced to do things you don’t want to do, the polite, considerate “cover you mouth when you cough” rule is tossed out the window.

“If you’re so concerned about getting my cold,” one under-the-weather inmate says, “then you should let me go back to my cell”—aim, cough, cough, cough.

It’s not long after that and I’m getting a scratchy throat followed by a fever. A few days later I’m being accused of bringing God-knows-what into the prison and contaminating everyone I’ve had contact with. See what happens when you follow protocol? But I’m better now. It’s November. Memo? What memo?

*Cartoon illustration of my classroom.


the walking man said...

Of course you contaminated the area. you know as well as I that the prisons in Mi have been sanitized.

Four Dinners said...

If their cells are owt like in the UK I'm not surprised they'd rather stay in em.

Sky TV, DVD players, PC's, Games...all mod cons (if you'll pardon the pun)

As far as I know they aren't allowed women in...but I have heard married prisoners get the

Not to mention 3 square meals a day.

No wonder they keep re-offending

Beth said...

In this scenario, you are the captive, the prisoner...subjected to the enclosed space and the air-born germs.
Stay well.
(love that cartoon illustration of your classroom)

Rick said...

Protocol, I believe, should be renamed "the silent killer."

ivan said...

Reminds me of a course I invented and offered at Seneca College here.
"Down-home archeology. Ancient civilizations in our back yards."

The janitor kind of got it.

wallace woodman said...

It looks just like your room too. The problem is, the peopel who write the memos often don't have to deal with the fallout. Is this the situation in your building? Say nothing if I'm right. Good luck dodging the swine flu. Thinking of you guys, have a great day.

jodi said...

God JR, wash your hands and wear a mask if ya have to.

Erik Donald France said...

And you know, there's a remake of The Prisoner on the way to the light of day.

Another cringe. Hopefully these unahppy students will get the necessary vaccines, though it sounds too late for this season. Yikes.

p.s. yes the sketch is cool.

Lori said...

My late husband told me the story of a homeless man who every winter would commit a crime, that would give him about a 3 month sentence. He did it on purpose to have a "nice" place to stay. He knew just what crime to commit to get the time he needed to make it through the winter. Once correction officer told me she felt like she was locked up for 8 hours a day everyday. Sanitizer my friend, are you allowed to bring it in?

Lana Gramlich said...

You can't win for losing over there, can you? :(

Julie said...

I like the cartoon. It captures the feel of the post. I can never get over the (cough) brilliance of the powers that be.