Friday, November 6, 2009



First, thanks so much for sending us "Cocoon Man." After a healthy discussion, we have decided to pass on it. Know that we both agreed the story is efficient, tightly wound, and all the details and dialogue work toward the ending. We worried about the story lacking a wider or heavier sense of implication. There is the "descent while she watches from above" - which one might describe as an allusion to the archetypal circles of hell, which in turn are a consequence of sin, which in this story pertains to the threat of adultery - but it might arrive too loosely at the end. It is clear you know what you're doing as a writer, but in the end, it just wasn't a fit for us. We wish you the best of luck finding a home for it elsewhere. We're confident you will.


The Editors
Previous blog posts:
Reflecting Forward
Here in a Flash, Gone in a Flash


the walking man said...

Jim I want to read this.

Charles Gramlich said...

That's just about the kindest rejection I've ever seen. Almost feels like they bought it.

Four Dinners said...

Well if they're going to say 'No' least they said it in a complementary way. Good luck old bean. Hope you get it published soon.

wallace woodman said...

The ole (get it) iron fist in the velvet glove. Where is the story? I want to read it. I miss reading your stories.

jodi said...

JR-who besides them says so? What ya gonna burn? Leaves?

Lana Gramlich said...

At least they were kind enough to honestly read your piece & give you decent feedback. Press on, word warrior!

ivan said...

A better response than I got from Canada's premier poetry magazine, Fiddlehead, some years ago. "These are not good poems," the editor had said...That's after four of them were printed in other magazines.
Also, on my second novel, The Hat People."Do no more work on this."
Ah, the masochist tango.

jason evans said...

That's very nice that you got such a detailed response. It does mean you're on the right track.

Still, rejections suck. Sorry for that.

ShadowFalcon said...

I can only wish for rejection letter like that

Pawlie Kokonuts said...

Well, I'll tell you this: I never got such a considered so-called rejection. They really sounded tortured over the decision. That in itself is a plus. Why didn't they just have the guts to put it in the next issue?

Whitenoise said...

Tough break. "It's not you. It's *me*" (Thinkin' I've heard this before...) ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there!!! Bro, Ron

Anonymous said...

Keep trying and keep hanging in there!! Bro, Ron

Julie said...

I've gotten some nasty ones, but I've never gotten one this nice. I'm rooting for you.