On Friday morning when custody announced “Yard is over. Return to your unit” my students did something out of the ordinary: they flocked to the classroom windows.
“Is there something I need to know about?” I asked.
After an awkward moment of silence, one student replied, “Just because a guy was killed doesn’t mean administration should mess with our yard time.”
They have difficulty dealing with schedule changes. And how dare custody restrict their movement!
I walked over to the window, looked out over the prison yard. “So they’re having themselves a sit down,” I commented.
The prisoners continued with their yard activities as if the public address system were malfunctioning. Then the immobilization siren blew. My students cleared the building, went back to their cells for lock-up, for an emergency count.
It wouldn’t be long and those protesters would be identified, loaded onto buses, and scattered amongst the higher security level prisons in Michigan.
If it were up to me, I would’ve left them out on the yard and prayed for rain. Besides, they’d be begging to come in by suppertime.
Today’s picture: Bro, myself, and the neighbor kids enjoying our freedom.
Sounds like your plan was too logical Jim.
I'm sorry, but I love this concept. Inmates complaining about "the man" messing with their yard time. The word "sullen" screams off the page. Your blog is always so damned interesting.
If only Nature co-operated - one cannot argue with or defeat Mother Nature - resistance is futile.
JR, you have hardly changed! Really. So cute and so is the puppy! Hope you enjoy some "yard time" of your own this weekend!
Yeah, that would be interesting. Lock them in the yard even. See how soon they wanted in.
Bingo, out in the yard. I'm seeing Cool Hand Luke and other prison movies in a whole new light . . .
Like the color photo. Funtime, looks like.
I would have to agree with your plan too!
Let me guess, you are the cute one, with the cute little doggie!?!
I love the picture. It goes with this post perfectly. Yes, I agree with everyone...your plan sounds best. Too bad a good old Michigan lightning storm didn't pop up:)
Mona, You are both correct and incorrect: I AM the one with the cute dog.
I cannot be so.. heck I am not sure of what I would call it. Life is what it is, right JR?
No matter where we are someones hand is controlling us. For them it is "the man" for me it is my grown daughter, we all are puppets inside a snow globe and when life gets ridiculous, someone decided to shake the ball and watch it all fall down. :;shrugs, just the way it is.
I love the photo. Reminds me of my own, former husky (a best friend for many years.) :)
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