My wife says men don’t have patience, that we don't like standing in line. She’s probably correct. I stood in line, my patience short, three feet short, the length of a hose for connecting pool pump to filter.
I’m standing at a service counter behind some perfectionist (another man who probably waited longer than I). He had the hired help testing his pool water with one of those sophisticated test kits where you combined various solutions/chemicals to check the ph, alkalinity, calcium, etc… The levels were all off. They were discussing the corrosive effects of water. I felt like saying, “Look dudes, its H-2-O okay, not some explosive element that’ll wipe out an entire block.” But I waited. And waited. And waited.
Three or four tests later I walked away. Not even a goodbye, not even an acknowledgement that I existed—no “Is there anything I can help you with?”
I find my wife in the hot tub section. She asks, “Where’s the hose?”
I tell her I’m not standing in line for another minute. She knows I’m in a hurry; I want to close my pool before the first leaf falls.
We approach the checkout. I say to the cashier, “Look, I need three feet of hose.”
She senses my frustration. She probably saw me in the service line. She gets some young kid hustling for it.
After the transaction’s complete, she says, “Get yourself some hose clamps, they’re free.”
At least someone knows how to treat a customer—not like those I-Wanna-Be-A-Chemist-Jack-Asses over in the service area.
There is a customer service model out there that asks the employee to see how many hoops the customer can be made to jump through before they walk. It is all a test done for research purposes to better control the flock of sheep waiting to be sheered.
The question is was the hose the right size and length when the kid brought it back?
I’ve left many a line-up in a huff – kind of like “cutting off your nose to spite your face.” You lucked out with your next attempt.
Love those pictures!
It's a sad day when even standing in line can't get you hosed.
Damn, Jason said what I was thinking!
You got it, man. Sucks as bad as waiting on the phone too long, with crappy music coming in and out.
Now I bring a book everwhere I go, and a pad and pen.
J.R.- I can't tell you how many times I have stood in line while two clerks discussed dates, their nails, etc. before helping me. It is infuriating, especially with so many people needing jobs. I don't think management even notices. Drag.
Doesn't it seem like the simpler and quicker your transaction is going to be, the more likely that someone ahead of you has some huge problem (or they themselves are a huge problem)?
Me again. What's up with the doggy?
I think customer service is dead and gone. It is bad that I almost expect bad to indifferent customer service then good.
On the contrary, I find men much much more patient than women of today!
Women are hyper in the present times!
This one made me laugh, because I picture my husband in line with his head about to blow off. I usually just stand there and daydream like a fool. Your reaction makes sense.
J.R., Thats why I don't go to Customer Service. They don't service YOU, just everyone else!!! Nice pics of the dog jumping in the air. --Bro, Ron
Nice pics!!!!
J.R., Thats is why I don't stand in line at Customer Service!!! Nice pics of the dog!! --Bro, Ron
Help isn't always there, unless you force it.
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