Monday, September 21, 2009

ROW 27, SEAT 18

Admission:     $110.00
Ticketmaster:     $5.75
Parking:           $20.00
Bud Light:        $15.00
Total:             $150.75

Yesterday, my brother and I watched the Detroit Lions lose their 19th straight football game. During our outing I had a drunken idiot (one of many) spill his beer all over the back of my shirt and on my chair. When I turned around to see if he would at least sober-up long enough to offer an apology, I got nothing. His drunken buddies kept their pie-holes shut as well. The lone woman with them (hopefully their designated driver) suggested an apology. Still, nothing.

As the Lions 10-point lead slipped away, these jerks became more primitive, fueling their mouths with more brew in-between shouted profanities. “F-this” and “F-that.” At one point, I did hear an apology to the father next to me, who had brought his young son. The father replied (rather sarcastically), “It’s not like he hasn’t already heard it about 100 times.” They didn’t get it.

Fights broke out at various places inside the stadium, but not where Eminem sat—he must have bought out an entire section—and thankfully, I didn’t lose my cool. Near the end of the game these drunks started calling everyone “pussies” for not cheering for the Lions. By then I’d had enough, but knew not to say anything.

I won’t be back to Ford Field anytime soon. Not until the Detroit Lions get a new owner. As far as I’m concerned, this football franchise has invited mediocrity. I see it in the low-life drunks interspersed throughout the stadium. Losers, losers, losers.


Lana Gramlich said...

Yet another reason I don't support pro sports. <:\

the walking man said...

Shoulda gone to one of the casino's. The language is better, the beer is cheaper and you would have had a better chance of at least seeing someone win something.

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm hearing that this drunken screaming crap is happening everywhere. A friend of mine was saying the same thing at a recent Saints game. I've never been one to spend much time in stadiums, though. To many effing people.

Catvibe said...

What the heck is wrong with people these days? I suppose if you had a cell phone you might been able to get those guys to text you an apology. I think civility has disappeared with the advent of technology that keeps us from having to actually have person to person contact. Or something, I don't know, but it's bad. Sorry you had to endure such reptilians.

Beth said...

Big bucks for such a lousy time and to be surrounded by such lousy company...

Whitenoise said...

Tough situation. There's no way to pull a win out of such an encounter...

jodi said...

Jr-And you paid for this shit! I go to lotsa sporting events, and I have to say Tigers and Pistons fans are the most family friendly. I like my beers, but would never insult the families out for a good time. Stay home and yell at the telly if you haven't any class. So sorry for your bad experience.

ivan said...

I get my philosophy mixed up with my sports. My novels have not had a Grey Cup since l967, much like the Toronto Leafs Hockey club.
But then I kind of like the quote by that old frog prince Voltaire:
Laughing Lions will come.
Hopefully, the Lions, like my Leafs will one day roar.

Anonymous said...

$15 for a beer and no cheerleaders. Says it all, don't it?--007

Anonymous said...

I like this quote from Votaire concerning the Lions: "As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to committ atrocities." People believing the Lions will win with the Fords at the helm, the absurdity; their druken fans, the atrocity. JR, TWM has the right idea. MW

Erik Donald France said...

Oh man, you deserve $150 for covering the game.

Sad stuff.

I just saw North Dallas Forty and things look ugly from the inside of pro sports, too.

Why are they still called Lions, anyway?

Anonymous said...

JR, What drunken bastards!!! Well, you know I won't be going to another Lions game ever. We paid too much and could of stayed home to watch it on TV. Anyways, I had a good time out with the Bro. --Ron

Julie said...

You were smart to keep your cool. It would have been hard to do, especially after spending all that money. This goes beyond just drinking and whooping it up with the buddies. Those people were first class a-holes. I'm sorry you had to put up with that, JR.