Thursday, December 3, 2009


I think I know how we got on the conversation; I think it had something to do with Tiger Woods and accusations of domestic violence (his wife’s “rescuing” him with a golf club); A few students thought the media should leave Tiger be. I disagreed. Their rebuttal: Because he married “white,” and not “black,” because he had affairs with “white” women, he’s being held to a higher standard. Twisted, faulty logic, straight from the penitentiary: Yeah, he should’ve married and cheated within his own race, that way we’d all feel much better. What race is he anyway?

I pointed out Tiger’s squeaky clean image, how he, and he alone, tarnished it. More talk about race. Blah blah blah. At some point during the discussion I said, “I have no people.” Before I could finish with the standard line: “I am my own person,” a student of African-American persuasion interrupted, “We are your people.”

“Oh really?” I replied.

“Yeah, you’re our teacher, Tommy Boy.”

“That so?” I paused, waiting for further explanation. None was offered. I continued, “So, if I came over to your house for a family barbecue, I’d be welcomed with open arms?” This elicited laughter from all my students, White, Black, and Hispanic. “If, between passing the potato salad, I asked your sister out, you would be perfectly comfortable with that.”

“You’re a funny man, Tommy Boy.” More laughter.

“Do you see,” I said, “how the setting changes the group dynamic?”

“It doesn’t have to be that way, Tommy Boy.”

“But it is, isn’t it? Especially when you’re making statements about interracial relationships.”

*For the record: I do not golf; this is my wife’s golf club.


Beth said...

Good to hear that whole Tiger Woods thing being used as an opportunity for & an attempt at discussion/learning/thinking. The media coverage is insane – even here in Canada.

David Cranmer said...

Excellent discussion but more importantly, that's a badass photo you took with the club.

Charles Gramlich said...

Well, I don't think I'd let you date my sister, you being a yankee and all. But you could sit a the table with us and eat barbecue.

wallace woodman said...

Some of the most interesting conversations I've ever heard begin with,"I'm no racist but...."
I think it is funny how people who often decry racism are the first to introduce the race card when they think it will trump all.

ivan@c said...

I am a little puzzled. Beginning to talk like a Welshman. Backing up into my sentences.

"My sister you will not marry."

Oops. Is that racist?

...always way careful when bringing race up in class.

Four Dinners said...

If you choose a career - and even more so if you're successful at it - that puts you in the public eye it goes with the turf. If you can't stand the heat etc etc.

Now if he was a successful baker or car mechanic he wouldn't have made the news for playing away.

Interesting what your puplis thoughts were though.

There will be a race or, more likely, religious war in the UK - certainly in England - at some point. Possibly in my life time. It will take the form to some degree of Yugoslavia's experiences.

It makes me very sad to say it but it will happen.

Another shot is needed..

Julie said...

I love the picture, JR. I didn't know Tiger Woods' wife is white. That's how out of it I am. Interesting conversation. I tend to think all scumbags are scumbags, regardless of color.

wallace woodman said...

Julie is right, a scumbag is a scumbag. The little white part on bird poop is still bird poop.

jason evans said...

I know that a lot of people see race everywhere. I tend not to see it. And that just pisses them off more.

Shelly Rayedeane said...

All I want to know is if you've ever felt like sticking a golf club up someone's butt.

I know I have.

jodi said...

JR-how do you stay sane in such a crazy atmosphere? Like race could possibly matter. I too, woulda crushed him with my Big Bertha! Bad Tiger, bad, bad, bad!

catvibe said...

Racism sucks, and is endemic. It doesn't matter what color you are, the race card is almost always on the table whether people discuss it or not. I married a Chinese person, and then divorced him, why? Well, actually I think it was the difference in 'culture' rather than his race. I don't see the colors, but the culture and how we react based on very deep cultural imprints can often make 'being of the same people' very very difficult. Even impossible. It doesn't mean we can't get beyond it, but it is far deeper than color.

PS, can you update my link on your page s'il vous plait? Thanks JR!

Donnetta Lee said...

I just always have to quote my mama: people are nuts. It doesn't matter if they are polka dotted. And the media will jump on anything-anything at all. Tiger apparently caused/is causing his own personal hell. You look great in the picture by the way. D

Rick said...

You know that I'm still voting for you to get your own internet radio show with commentary like this. I'm serious.

Law Library Lady said...

Jodi, I assure JR is completely insane.

I was constantly being accused of being racist by the prisoners. The black prisoners said I favored the white prisoners and the white prisoners said I favored the black prisoners. I despise ALL prisoners so they were way off.

I contend that those of us fortunate enough to work there are accused because the prisoners have to blame somebody so why not us. We're free, educated, good looking and we aren't crack babies, so of course we are to blame for everything wrong in their wretched lives.

And when I'm wrongly accused,I tell them thank you and they got angry with me. Go figure.

JR's Thumbprints said...

I agree with Catvibe--culture plays a much bigger role in how people interact.

As for that Law Library Lady, I used to request circle time, where we could read stories to each other in a quiet, comfortable place, but she demanded that the convicts be put on library call-out for at least one-year. This did not seem reasonable. We worked out our differences; she said I was "good-looking." I now have reading-time in the classroom, sort of like back in kindergarten minus the small rugs, graham crackers, and milk; Nap time is still a favorite part of it though.

eric1313 said...

And so we have to keep wating for the world to change. We have no choice.

I used to date a native American woman named "duck", her brothers could never get passed me and my cracker skin tone, even with my 1/8Cherokee blood. Everytime she and I argued, the brothers would give me the stone eyes, and one night at a party on Waupu island (forgive my spelling), I almost had to fight all three of them. They were going to take me out to the tree in the back and deal with me old school style.

At least I still have my scalp!

...not to mention the few times race got brought up when I was tutoring. The harder one tries to be impartial, the harder it is to appear that way, sometimes.

Very frustrating.

wallace woodman said...

Nothing like controversy to rack up the comment numbers. Nicely done, good discussion. Good to hear from law library lady. I heard the midgets chased her out too. Congratulations, one more safe escape (by staff). We still need a math teacher here on the west side. Damn few good ones left. Happy Holidays

the walking man said...

Truth be told TW does not call himself Black or African American but rather Calabasian.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the read and discussion.
Mr. Tiger is going to pay handsomely for his indescretions, and even more for his wife to stay with him. I don't see how race matters. It was all in the prenup
and the new one being renegotiated.

Anonymous said...

His lady aint gonna leave the Tiger! DA

wallace woodman said...

Maybe he will change his name to Cheetah Woods

Lana Gramlich said...

Ain't it the truth. Thanks for enlightening me on the Tiger Woods thing, I guess. I hadn't the foggiest notion why he's been in the news lately, nor have I really cared. I don't consider celebrity news...go figure.

Erik Donald France said...

Excellent, JR. You've got it covered. I keep wondering if he ever slept with anyone with darker skin? Everyone seems to prefer a type. Bob Dylan seems to prefer black woman, mostly on the DL (he's a rock star, so not exactly scandalous), at least for the past 25 years or so. It's all pretty interesting, in truth.